Northwest folks

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Nov 30, 2002
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The beachdrivers will be at it again this coming weekend, July 23-25, at Long Beach, Washington.

This is rather late notice, I realize, due to various complications, but hopefully a few of you NW folks are up to a spur-of-the-moment gathering, either camping for the weekend or meeting up with us for a day (or part thereof).

Here is a youtube video of our 2008 beach drive:

Leia, susanne and Keith (as well as Kody, Turbo and Mingus) are confirmed.

We're gathering this year at the Red Barn, 6409 Sandridge Rd (right next door to the Peninsula Saddle club, where we've stayed in the past). You can check their website at


* $15 per night: indoor bedded stalls

* $10 per night: outdoor paddocks (seasonal)

* Parking and Dry Camping available

Reservations required

Please make arrangements in advance:

* Office: 360-642-2009

* Cell: 360-783-2288

If you can come for the weekend, we'd like to organize a couple of meals. Leia and I have discussed each person taking charge of one meal, with any unassigned meals being catch as catch can.

To get the latest details, including cell phone contact #s, check out our beachdrivers group at

If you think you can join us, let us know, but feel free to drop by unannounced if you prefer anonymity!

We'll have a great time...even better if you can join us!
Ah, for the days when my little redhead could spin on a dime!

I've got the easy entry fixed up after a year of not being used (will be attempting to order a new wheel in time for this weekend as I found a couple of spokes bent) and I've got a tentative system rigged up for ponying Turbo from the back with a couple more additions from the home improvement store. I should even have my new kick strap in for my Sport Harness so I can keep Kody's exuberance to a minimum!

So all that remains is to unpack all my show stuff, pack all the beach stuff, dump all my camera cards and get ready to have some fun. Hope more people can come!

OMG that looks like so much fun.

Unfortunatly I am stuck at home. My sciatica is acting up and camping or long distance driving are out-and it would be a long drive up the coast. Sigh.

Oh well I am at least a year off from driving anyways. Can't even go get my new filly right now. sigh. Hope you get lots of new videos.

One good thing happened this week, I have 4 tons of hay in my barn. Delivered and stacked for 110 a ton. Such a relief.
After watching the video I really want to come for a day. Just go to figure out how to get er done.

Ok going to work on getting there on Saturday.
Boy howdy! Once I get my mini to driving and have enough experience under my belt I wanna go toooooooo!!

Thats looks like so much fun!!

so now its going to be a toss up between my hosses and my quad!!

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