Not a good 24 hrs.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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NW PA/ Ohio Border
Hi everyone, just need to tell someone so maybe it might help make me feel better.. Faith started with a cold this week and last night her cough changed and she started with breathing problems. So after 3 hrs in the ER and some chest x-rays she has broncitis and pneumonia. She is current;y sleeping and I don't know how I am going to tell her when she wakes up that one of her cats got hit on the road.
He was coming home from mousing in the field(had a mouse). Must have broke his neck..
He was my buddy.. I just got him to scratch my back for me.. It is just so heart breaking.. How do I tell her? And to make it worse, she is so sick and clingy.. And her other cat is going to be heartbroken,as they were brothers and never seperated since birth..I have never owned a cat in my life due to my allgeries, but I really got attached to him myself..

Rest in peace my little buddy..

Garfield 6/07 to 01/08



I am just so sick right now..
I'm sorry to hear Faith is sick. I don't think you should feel like you have to tell her in detail what happened to her kitty. Perhaps you should tell her he went off on a great adventure, looking for mice... Even at that, I think I would wait until she's feeling better. You do live awfully close to that road. Is there no way you can keep your other kitty indoors so he doesn't suffer the same fate?
Jodie --

I hope Faith is feeling a lot better soon from the sickness, and I am so sorry about Garfield

I am so sorry Faith is sick, and of all times, to lose her little pet, now.

Still, honesty is best, in my opinion, when raising children and owning animals. I don't know any other way, and I don't really dress it up in any way, either.

When they were tiny, and a pet died, I would simply say they were "gone." Rarely was there much more need for anything else.

Nowadays, we explain everything they ask about. My kids still remember the ones that have most recently passed: Kyan (our colt almost a year ago), Moonie (now gone for a year and a half, but we'd had him 11 years, a Sheltie/Aussie mix), and my cat, Nootka, who died in 2004 at age 11. They know that they are buried here on our property, and they are understanding that the same thing happens to people, as in my nephew, Craig, who died in 2006 on his fishing boat.

They asked about him for a long time, and now they know that their cousin Lake's dad will not be here anymore, and they know what happened to him. It doesn't seem to scare them, though it does make them a little sad.

I hope that you can find some rituals that may help bring comfort to Faith as she mourns her kitty. By that I mean to have a little funeral, or to donate a little money in Garfield's name to a pet rescue, etc. something to help her remember him, and work through her grief. Maybe a scrapbook page? I think it's important to make a little bit out of it so that children also learn to respect life in the form of small animals. But that's just MY two cents. ;)

I know that she's sick, but cutting out photos and writing a little story might help both of you come to terms with this loss.

I am truly sorry he's gone.

Jodie ,

I am so very sorry to hear about faith and her beloved garfield , I hope she gets better real soon and when I come up in June (baby willing ) I will bring her a precious new baby if you allow ..My female has babies april / may every year...I would love to come up and spend some time with you in june if you'll have us , I dont know if we are going to come up to show or not depends on when the bun in the oven decides to make her appearence....Dad is still in the hospital , still having bp trouble they seem to think it is his parkinsons meds that are dropping it so low so they r weaning him off them , not sure how he will be with out them cause the meds did seem to help quite a bit ..So we will see. I will add faith to our prayers..please give her a big hug for me ..Tell jamie we said hi ...Wait until you see chance he looks like a marshmellow puff right
I am so sorry to hear about both Faith and her cat. I can feel for her as it has been a month and I am still recovering from my pneumonia, after 2 rounds of antibiotics. Let her rest and I wouldn't say a word about the cat. It could make her sicker and pneumonia is not something to take lightly, esp in the young (this is the nurse in me talking now). And monitor her closely and if in 3 days she isn't getting better take her right back to the ER.

When she is better I would tell her and let her mourn. Everyone is different and crying is a wholesome thing. Pictures are great and a scapebook that she would make may be better.

Good luck and God Bless
I wanted to give an update. It was really bothering me, and I had to be honest with her. I told her this evening. She cried and cried and asked why didn't the car stop.. Hubby took care of his burial as he really shouldn't have been seen by Faith.. She wants to bury him with Bubba(my mom). I told her we aren't allowed to do that. So she made him a picture
And had me put it on their crate.. His brother Twister is already missing him.. I hear him calling for him.. I wished we could bring him in, but with my allergies and Faith's breathing issues, he has to stay out..

But Faith is looking a little better..Around the clock breathing treatments(2 kinds), steriods, antibotics and a cough syrup, I think everything is kicking in. Kitty, thanks for the warning. I do watch her very much.. She was a preemie and the "p" word is very common for her( 3 0r 4 times last year, over 6 the year before)

Her doctor and I are really good with catching it early..(But her dr. was out of town)

Thanks everyone for your kinds words, as this is going to be very hard for awhile. Not only on us, but his brother Twister.
Awww..I'm so sorry about Garfield. That's so sad. I hope Faith is soon feeling better and up and around. I've had bronchitis and pneumonia's not fun!!
My prayers are there for all of you. I am so sorry about Faith's illness and of course, the loss of Garfield. God be with you.

God bless,

I sure hope your little Faith gets to feeling better soon! I wish these little ones didn't have to suffer illness like this! I'm very sorry about Garfield. That's never easy to explain to a child.
Ahhh that poor little baby.... tell her that Twister needs her to get better and come and make him feel better. She will be his buddy now. I hope she gets well soon!
Sending prayers for Faith's speedy recovery and comfort during her sorrow.
How is Faith feeling today? Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, she's been thru more than enough in her life already, poor sweetie.

So sorry to hear about Garfield too...
How is Faith feeling today? Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, she's been thru more than enough in her life already, poor sweetie.

So sorry to hear about Garfield too...
Thanks for asking about Faith. She seems to be getting better
Her cough is getting better and she is sleeping threw the night,now.. I am just so greatful that hopefully this year and all the years to come will get better. Last year at this time, she started with a cold in Sept. and still had it.
I am praying her immune is getting better and her lungs are getting stronger. She is my angel, heart and soul..It is kinda sad to have all of the Respitory therap. know her by name at the hospital.. But they help her out so much..
And she said the other night, I really like xrays, it is neat to see my lungs all the time.. She is just happy she didn't get a shot. I know that there are other children out there that where preemie's, and that Faith could have had a lot more going on.. ANd I am so sad to know that these babies are born daily.. They say it happens for a reason, and at first I really didn't see the reason. Now I think I do, so she would be a special little girl. She has such a different outlook on life than my son. Plus also with me not being able to have anymore children, and loosing my mom, I know that my reason for being a stay at home mom isn't only to take care of her, but to be able to spend the precious time with my children that they need. When my mom watched Jamie for me, I had no worries about him getting the love and care he needed when I worked. Now, I get to do it.. Sorry to babble on, just needed to get that out :DOH!

She seems to be taking the loss of Garfield better now that Twister is in the house..But she said tonight"Momma, at least I will always have the pictures of him to look at and remember him. That won't go away, just like I still remember Bubba(my mom)
Her wording always does me in..

Thanks again and i posted a picture of her and Twister on another thread earlier tonight
Aw, little doll Faith is!
I'm so glad that she is starting to feel better.

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