Well-Known Member
Miss Melody seems to be feeling good today
She had a bit of a temp last night (101.7) but it was normal this morning. I let her out into the larger paddock and I couldn't even get her to look at me because she was so into eating the grass. It is turning green fast so she only gets to stay out for a little bit.
Oh and since I know the question is going to come up, I did end up selling the colt. I know some of you had strong feelings about me having a companion for Miss Melody but in light of everything that has happened we decided this is best for our family at this time. She will be getting a pet cow very soon
Whether she likes it or not is another story. If she does great, if not there is no damage done. My Dad and husband have both voted for a cow and I think it is a much safer choice for us right now. Plus it won't STRESS me out
So that's where we are at right now and I am very relieved to be back down to only one horse and Melody seems to be ok with the situation as well
I will try to get some better pics in the next few days. I guess we can't expect her to look like a beauty queen after what she's just been through
Oh and since I know the question is going to come up, I did end up selling the colt. I know some of you had strong feelings about me having a companion for Miss Melody but in light of everything that has happened we decided this is best for our family at this time. She will be getting a pet cow very soon