Not to dampen anyone's holiday, but...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Orangefield, Texas
I am 29 years old... I know there are good years and bad years, but I can honestly say, this year has been the worst year I've known to date. Most of you know we lost most of what we owned in hurricane Rita, then last Wednesday, my husbands 25 year old cousin was killed in a car accident, then to top it all off Thanksgiving morning, our truck got broken into and my wedding set (which was in the ashtray so I could take it to the jewelers this morning for a small repair) got stolen... The year started in January with having to put my dog to sleep then getting scammed by Nigerian scammers.... I guess the real topping over everything is this... We had plans to be in our little house by Christmas, well, now my husbands parents (his dad is a contractor) told us in a round about way that our loan money (which was put in their name...long story) is gone... $850 we got paid for an item we sold they used to evacate with AFTER the storm...which I wouldn't have a problem with if two days after the storm we hadn't called them on the cell phone and found them in a CASINO in Vicksburg, MS!!!!! They have blown all our house building money! I really don't think I can take anymore! I went and visited my guys (big and small) yesterday... that made me feel better... It's pathetic... I just cry all the time now...and I'm NOT a crier...On a good note, the $1245.00 in donations y'all sent are going toward the fencing that should be delivered in a few days... YEAH!!! The sooner it gets here, the sooner all my babies come home.

Didn't mean to bring anyone down
, and please understand I am NOT posting it for help or pity
just needed to vent...though advice would be nice.

We have alot to be thankful for and the year has been pretty good in that we have new friends and new experiences. But it has been the worst year of my life for personal reasons.

I know its hard to think of the good things when so much has been bad, but having your health, your family and your horses is the one postive thing you do have. Just build from there.
l think there are many people that won't forget the year 2005 for a long time. lt was also one of the poopiest for us l don't think will be forgotten. l hope 2006 is at least kind to everyone.
Yes, 2005 has been rough for a lot of people for a number of different reasons......

Many have had losses -- both family members, special pets, and of course material things as well. May prayers go out to everyone.

**Right now I say a special prayer to a Forum Member who just lost her mom on Thanksgiving........and my sister-inlaw who lost her mom two weeks ago.

HOWEVER - I hope we can stop a moment and remember some happy and good things for this year. The more positive things we can list the better.......

Things like -- the beautiful foals born, the human babies both born this year and other little ones who are watching grow like weeds, successful moves to new places, new jobs, promotions, the new barns people have built, the outstanding generosity people have had to those in need.

We may get punched in the gut by life, but I for one will never give up HOPE.


I am so sorry your year has been so lowsy! My grandmother died in Septemeber and my cat that I've had for 14 years died Wed so it hasn't been the best year for me either, but nothing to what you've been through! All I can say is I'll be praying for you and good luck! I'm sure this year will be a great one!
If I were to have just one Christmas wish, it would be for everyone to be free of their pain no matter what it is from...mental or physical and in place of that pain, have happiness and contentment. I know we are all expected to have challenges in our life but I hate seeing the pain from disasters and illnesses. With all Gods power I don't understand why he wants the suffering that goes on. I wish happiness for everyone in the coming year. Mary
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Yes, I agree with Mary's wish.

The power to end suffering, however, is in our hands, not Gods.

I would not blame God for any of the suffering in the world (and I'm sure that was not Mary's intent either)

Man causes suffering.

All we can do is our best.

2005 has not bee a good year for me, but i doubt very much that 2006 will be a lot better.
2005 has been a rough year for a lot of reasons but it also has had some good to go along with it.

I did a lot of soul searching this past year and did a lot of reading. I truly have discovered that life is what you make it. On those really rough days I get up and I tell myself that it is going to be a good day and attempt to always look at the glass as "half full". I am very pleasantly surprised that it works.

I am a private person and dont share hard times, heck I dont even toot my own horn very well, but never the less, I have them as does everyone else. I have read many heartbreaking stories this year and cry for many of you. I have found that when I am feeling the lowest the best thing I can do is to go help someone else.

The hurricanes, the families broken, the lost and sick loved ones, the pets lost, all are heartbreaking. You all have my empathy and sympathy. I am glad you feel you can come here and write down your troubles and share with those you feel safe with.

Bless all of you and here is to 2006, it is going to be a great year!

I am sorry this year has been so hard on you. I will tell you though you are not

alone, and things WILL get better. Many years ago I had a year that could top all years. I lost my mother, my 23 year old brother. I quit my job to take care of my six month old daughter and my first husband walked out. He was cheating on me with my maid of honor [some honor]. Not only that he left my car in pieces and took the truck I bought. My faith helped a lot, and other people have lots worse problems I knew also. Most things don't bother me anymore. I consider if it will affect me 5 years down the road. I am blessed with all I have and have

been given and I thank God every day. Hope things get better for you soon and

will pray for you. Linda

I just did a search to see if I missed an update on you. I was hoping for some good news. I never have understood why we get kicked when we are down, but I know we are stronger people for it. In ten or fifteen years you will look back and laugh at the bad luck. I wish we could help you more. I am glad to see you have been posting though, even if I missed them.
It is inevitable that all of us will have those "years" that seem to bring nothing but hardship and sadness. I've had three of them so far in my 38 years and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I always look to the new year, as a fresh new beginning with the hope that it will be the best year yet. I hope for all of us here that 2006 will be better than 2005!!
Well, now Fizz, man did not cause Katrina, or Rita, and man does not cause all types of sickness, some of that unfortunately just happens. So I do disagree to some extent with your comment that man cause suffering, yes man does, but God allows some suffering too.

Without Suffering we would not be as joyful during the good times, just like we do not appreciate light until we have learned of the dark. Or cold without warmth.

This year has not been my worst by far, but I know there as been a lot of bad that has happened. I hope that 2006 will be much better for everyone!!

Prayers, warm wishes, and Christmas Blessings wished for all!!
Our year has been mixed with good and bad... we got a new house in Tennessee exaclty what we wanted!! But we have had a lot of bumps in the road since moving, which I won't go into, I am looking forward to a new year and a fresh start, and lets not forget Tax time... we are a select few that actually look forward to it. My prayer is everyone will have a blessed Christmas and just enjoy family and friends and not worry about things that we can't control. May God bless each and everyone this season
I agree that 2005 has been a terrible year for me...divorce, a stillborn foal and the death of our most beloved horse. All within 6 weeks!!!! So I will be so happy to ring in 2006. But I am thankful for son, my parents and dear friends that have all helped me through these tough times.
Well not the worst year ever but not the best (waiting for that one).........

I am thankful for what I have.......wish I had a whole lot more........but mostly I am....a WEEBLE .....ok life bring it on.........I just don't seem to stay down......probably grandma's voice in my head...."alright girl just pull yourself back up by your bootstraps"........I mean after all I could be living in Iraq/bagdad/etc.... and the thought of that kinda makes my troubles seem small
Yes, 2005 has been filled with unusual challenges for us.

My horrible "sister" (I use that term loosely as I feel our blood relation holds no bond in it for me, especially with these last tricks she's pulled) has been having a field day making false accusations, to the point of us having to seek legal counsel.

My husband's horrible sister is doing other things relating to the will of their mother, and he is having to seek legal counsel to have her act right about it.

And worst of all, really, is the fact that back in August when my dad went to the dr. to check on kidney stones, they found a cyst the size of an orange on his left kidney.

It has gone from an innocent cyst to probably a malignant tumor and he's having surgery next week to remove it and the left kidney.
Luckily, nothing looks to have spread, but it's been a tense time, and my father and stepmother are some of the ONLY blood relatives I have that we feel any connection with and they are very much supportive of us and we of them, so it's particularly hard to think of my dad's mortality. He'd just graduated college and is thinking he will pursue a further degree in paleontology. He loves astronomy and earth sciences and is having a FUN time after his long work career w/UPS. It has been so good seeing him have fun and enjoy his retirement when he was so scared of it.

Anyway, I do look at other people's problems and think how lucky I am that mine are so small. My children are all healthy, my husband is healthy, I am healthy, my good friends are all well, and we all have roofs over our heads and the same is true for my four legged beloveds, too.

I wish for some measure of that same peace for all that don't have it, if only for a time.

I do still have hope that it will get better, for all of us.

Liz M.

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