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One thing you are going to have to understand,,, some of you have been in ecstasy having the war mongering president in office. He has killed so many and that doesn't bother you. So yes, if Obama gets in he will have to go a LONNGGGG way in my opinion to live up to W. I WILL be happy if he gets in office.
And every time I see McCain Palin all they are doing is pointing fingers and freaking out about Obama,,, They are not telling me anything about how they would help this country.

See you here tomorrow, same bat time, same bat place!
Dont you mean, live down to W?
LoweriseMinis said:
Jill, really, I wish for you and others to find some peace. I've said it before and I'll say it again-I don't know how you mange to go on living with such fear of a fellow citizen and so little faith in the checks and balances in this country. It must be tough.
Lowrise, it may be that time / experience, achievement and success has just given me a perspective you have not yet obtained.



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