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I am currently taking Human Physiology and as an extra credit project I had to attend two Obesity and Diabetes seminars. It was very interesting and alarming information. The percentage of people obese in America is just horrible. During the power point presentation the presenter displayed pictures of families from different countries all gathered in front of their food for the week. Something the presenter pointed out was that the food for a weekly diet from other countries consisted of whole grains, fruits and veggies. Nothing processed at all! When she came to the American family all you could see were boxes, bags, and containers. There were a few veggies and fruits but not too many. That made me realize that pretty much EVERYTHING we eat here in America is processed in some sort. The people who actually eat all natural have to pay more and buy at specialty stores. This in itself probably deters people from making healthier choices.
I took a Food and Nutrition class a few semesters back and that got me buying whole wheat and whole grain bread. It also got me to look at labels a little more. I have also stopped buying canned veggies and fruits and try to stick with fresh as much as possible. Hubby and I are always wondering why there is nothing to eat around here and it's because we don't buy grab and go items. T.V. dinners, hot pockets, corndogs, frozen pizza's etc. If we don't cook we pretty much can't eat
It's very annoying and it frustrates me when I would just like to eat something quick and easy but I know it's the healthy choice. I used to buy the Smart Choice and Lean Cusines but stopped when I realized how processed they were.
As I was making a box of brownies tonight I wondered how their nutritional content would differ from homemade brownies. I know sweets have been around for a LONG time and families have always had deserts. The only difference is that today they are mostly boxed. Could this be the major problem causing obesity? Boxes, bags and containers?
I know American's are eating more and moving less but I can't help but think that the way we are making and preserving our foods has something to do with it. Would it make a difference if I made homemade brownies instead of boxed?
Just some random thoughts I have been tossing around. Would love to hear other's opinions on the issue
I took a Food and Nutrition class a few semesters back and that got me buying whole wheat and whole grain bread. It also got me to look at labels a little more. I have also stopped buying canned veggies and fruits and try to stick with fresh as much as possible. Hubby and I are always wondering why there is nothing to eat around here and it's because we don't buy grab and go items. T.V. dinners, hot pockets, corndogs, frozen pizza's etc. If we don't cook we pretty much can't eat
As I was making a box of brownies tonight I wondered how their nutritional content would differ from homemade brownies. I know sweets have been around for a LONG time and families have always had deserts. The only difference is that today they are mostly boxed. Could this be the major problem causing obesity? Boxes, bags and containers?
I know American's are eating more and moving less but I can't help but think that the way we are making and preserving our foods has something to do with it. Would it make a difference if I made homemade brownies instead of boxed?
Just some random thoughts I have been tossing around. Would love to hear other's opinions on the issue