Aspiring Cowgirl
I love my iPhone so much
Friends and I stay in touch
Facebook on it every day
And so many games to play
Email's never far from hand
Whether I'm on air, sea or land
Drudge Report you know is up
And pictures of my favorite pup
Superbowl's on tonight
My phone and I curl up tight
Listening to a real good book
I've not a single use for the Nook
Harvey's going to watch football
Those commercials will be on YouTube, after all
So while the game is on the big screen
My iPhone keeps my interest keen
Who cares if its screen is small
I don't wanna watch football
----- Jill
Friends and I stay in touch
Facebook on it every day
And so many games to play
Email's never far from hand
Whether I'm on air, sea or land
Drudge Report you know is up
And pictures of my favorite pup
Superbowl's on tonight
My phone and I curl up tight
Listening to a real good book
I've not a single use for the Nook
Harvey's going to watch football
Those commercials will be on YouTube, after all
So while the game is on the big screen
My iPhone keeps my interest keen
Who cares if its screen is small
I don't wanna watch football
----- Jill

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