Odette *colt*, Britt *colt*.

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OK, thanks for teasing me more on her blue roan color and a forelock to die for!!
Oh my goodness! What a beautiful head she has! Even with all the hair (which I adore, by the way) you can see what a "look at me" eye and alertness she has. Stunning!
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Thanks girls, she is hairy and fat not to mention pregnant lol but she is such a character, she only does what SHE wants or she has a tantrum. ROFL after working with very highly strung show jumpers for many years her strops just make me laugh.

I Love My Minis
She's gorgeous Renee - but of course you know that! I'm huge fan of our Shetlands - all my 'originals' and a lot that I have bred since are Shetland or part Shetland. I love their characters, their alertness, their 'sensible' sized heads and those beautiful big expressive eyes.

The mares also make great foundation stock - I wouldn't swop my girls for all the world!
I can't wait to see her baby either. I have never seen a horse colored like her. very very pretty.
I have had a rough few days and hubby is away all week which doesn't help. He is working for Prince Pier Casiraghi of Monaco so I am sure he is having plenty of fun

Anyway do you remember that I told you about my yorkie Biscuit having a tumour? I finally gave in and had her operated on Wednesday, the vet took out all her ****ies on the left side and her uterus

She will go back next Friday to have the staples out. My poor baby girl

My BF organised a girly morning on Wednesday to keep my mind off things and we made Easter biscuits. My little girl just loves biscuits hence her name

Not much to update on the mares, Britt is getting huge but no udder yet as she isn't due until June.

Odette's udder is tiny but it was firm this morning which is a start. I think her baby will be small again this year as she doesn't have much tummy.

I don't think she will foal tonight but maybe tomorrow
Oh Diane, how selfish of me to complain about my problems on a day like this
please forgive me my friend, I will pray very day until your family is safely reunited.
Prayers for both of you, Renee and Diane, and your families (human and animal).

(((((((BIG HUGS)))))))

Ladies you are certifiable

But Renee I hope Biscuit makes a full recovery and Diane I will pray for your daughters safe return to her family
You two are as mad as hatters - and two of the lovliest ladies that I know!

Poor Biscuit, I hope she soon feels better and that the op proves a success - hope she's getting plenty of those gorgeous biscuits!!

Diane, I remembered Katy last night and added her to my prayers then and will continue with prayers for her and her family until she returns home safely.

I have a very short video, that, if I can find it, I will post here for you - it might make you smile.

Meanwhile sending you both HUGE ((((HUGS))))
OK found the video. It was taken about 4 years ago this month in the old open barn we used back then for foaling. It is very short, you may have to play it a couple of times to see everything that is on it. Hopefully you will also get sound as Cathy is prattling away LOL!!

It was around 5.30 am and we had just foaled down Lady with her new filly and it shows the 'helpers' that we shared the barn with through the night - no cameras etc then, so sitting up was necessary!!

Fingers crossed this works!!

Going to click post and hope for the best. Enjoy - if it works LOL!!
Thank you Diane. No the dog (a bitch actually) is mine and doesn't sleep if I'm up and doing something, she just has to stick by my side bless her! Lady had just foaled about half an hour before (first foal) and although her filly was up quickly and ready for food, Lady decided that she deserved a little more rest! Four years on and they are still great companions (as most of my mares and daughters are) and where Lady is in the fields, daughter Little Lady, is never far away. Lady is (hopefully) expecting her second foal later this year.

The small human thingy was about 4 weeks old (born mid March) - tough little farm boy right from the beginning. LOL!!
That was hilarious, I haven't heard a British accent since Xmas
That is where the saying "sleeps like a baby" comes from
Good girl for sleeping through it all

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