OH MY GOSH ANGEL FOALED I wasn't ready! and

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Boy Marty.... you GO girl! Now you HAVE GOT TO go and show that filly from Bob and Pam..... U know what theyve got there and they are ALL show quality.... And your baby.... I think thats great she did it without your worry or fretting ......see! Not so bad that way is it .....lol looks like Nick to me!

Congratulations all around!

Lyn :aktion033:
Congratulations on your new foal Marty!

That's my kind of foaling. Two foals we have over a period of 8 years have both been that way. I'm a bit spoiled.

Congratulations on your new filly as well!
Oh MARTY!!! Congratulations BUT you HAVE to find out what it is!!! Just lift the tail and feel!!!
Yep... no foal-flipping necessary.... :lol:

Fondle those little cheeks!
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She MUST have looked by now guys, I think Marty is enjoying keeping us all in suspense!! :lol:
Now THAT is what I call a good start to your weekend!!! What PRETTY girls.... (yes, both of them..LOL!) That pinto filly has JUST enough white to stand out and not enough to drive you crazy at 4am on a show morning... :lol: and that red filly is to die for!!!


Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Oh Marty! I am so happy for you! How exciting!!!! Both horses are beautiful! And Timmy is a big brother!! yeah!!! Now he better shape up and start to set a good example.

Can't wait to hear for sure if it is a boy or girl so we all know whether we are aunts or Uncles? :new_shocked:
:lol: You are toooo funny today :lol:

A BIG Congratulations to you !! :aktion033:

Your foal is darling!! What a pretty little head! I "think" you are going to be soooooo disappointed that you can't be on mare stare! Ha! Just kidding! How lucky can you get!


Congratulations also on you new filly, she is gorgeous! Looks like a very special day on Marty's Mountain!!!
[SIZE=18pt]Congratulation! Marty! He or she is beautiful! :aktion033:
: [/SIZE]

Marty, I think you said not doing much this weekend? Wrong you are going to be a busy lady. Have a great one. :aktion033:
: :saludando:

Emailed about your dogs.
[SIZE=18pt]Marty- [/SIZE]

STOP and BREATH!!!!!!!! LOL. Your new baby is gorgeous. I love the black and white ones. I eventually will have one like that. :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I can't wait to find out what it is.

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Congratulations, so cute, now find out if it's a boy or a girl!

New red filly is just gorgeous! :D

Liz M.
Congratulations Marty, the babe is perfect and your new sweetie is just gorgeous. Now I'm sending you some CALM, then kneel down and lift "her" little tail. Give the pups some bananas. Easy does it now!
:aktion033: :aktion033: Congratulations!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: Sounds like you had Christmas on the Mountain in March!! What an exciting, wonderful day for you!!! He/She is precious!!!
Now Marty, be reasonable here. You did put Angel in the foaling stall, didn't you? And she is a good girl, isn't she? She had talked with Holly and just knew that the foaling stall is where you go to have your baby, so being a good girl she did exactly what she was supposed to!
: :aktion033:

And not only that but she produces a gorgeous little foal with color to burn and doesn't even make you stay up all night to get it. I think Angel deserves extra credit for this little assignment!

Sorry Timmy, but I think you've just been upstaged. Star is here and SHE is adorable!!

Well Marty, I have to say I'm really disappointed.........I was looking for all of those "driving me crazy" mare-stare posts and here Angel just takes care of it all herself.......what gives?? Your new foal is a cutie
: ....but have you lifted up the tail yet?? Come on Marty! We need to know! :bgrin I love your new "boughten" filly too! I agree that we need to see you in the show ring! Have you got enough scrunchies for the new arrivals??
***We should taking guess's at what sex it is.

Im going to guess Filly!

Marty that is just great, i got home from our Horse Judging comp. and mom told me to go check the forum (she reads it during the day sometime) and i get on and WOWA!!!!! :new_shocked:

Little weird, Timmy practically was about to live the rest of his life in his momma's tummy ..and then this little thing pop's out early! I'd Freaked!!!!!! :new_shocked:

God Bless, you and all the little one's you got running around!!

...Oh yeah ...breath ... :bgrin

Leeana H.
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