Oh So CUTE Together

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
[SIZE=12pt]Okay, two things I readily admit. I'm a goober and many of you would laugh at my "rig" compared to yours but I just love my truck and my little mini trailer. [/SIZE]

H hooked them up yesterday actually, because we're going to get my silver appy mare and bring her home (had her learning to drive, but she's an F student in that... BUT, she's got a date late this spring and will get to be a mommy...). Now we don't want to get her until the morning so that she can have all day to settle in before night, so this is still in the driveway but I think they look mighty cute together!!!

ALSO, I need to learn to drive the truck when the trailer is attached. I'm afraid to so far... And here some of you I know pulling long beautiful big trailers and aren't scaredy cats like me.

Anyhow, here is my first ever horse trailer and my first ever "big girl" truck, which are soon to contain my pretty polka-dotted mare!

PS the truck tags are horse enthusiast ones (horse pic on them) that say WNY4ME and the trailer says WHNY4ME


Very cute!! :aktion033: :bgrin

What year is your truck?? I had a '97 that looked exactly like that, well, except mine was teal green...I hope yours is a better truck then mine was...mine was a money pit!! lol (traded it in on my Elantra! :aktion033: )
Thanks ladies

My truck is a 2000 w/ a 5.4L V8. It only has about 45,000 miles on it and I
: it. I only use it for "horse stuff" so it's rarely used. It's not what I use to go to work or run errands.

Btw, I have a Santa Fe, which is my commuting vehicle. I bought it a year ago new and it's awesome! And, I have a 2000 Tiburon which was also bought new and is great. Never any problems from them, they make dependable cars and you cannot beat the warranty. A couple years ago, I donated a 1996 Elantra to volunteers of america. I bought it new as well at a time when I truly could not afford expensive car repairs so the warranty was a selling point! It had 200,000 miles when I donated it and it was running like a top! We change the oil always with synthetic, which I feel is a factor. Then we have a Volvo, I also love and H has two antique cars... I like things with four wheels almost as much as things with four legs.
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Practice backing that big rig up in an empty (parking) lot with some markers representing things you wouldn't want to run into. You'll be a "pro" in no time. Have fun... it looks like a great combo. and I love the plates!
I love it!! Lucky you. :aktion033:

Bet you will get much better gas mileage pulling the wee trailer instead of a big one!
Very nice. Now that's how you haul a mini in style. :aktion033: :bgrin
That looks great to me. They do work well together and the plates are just the icing!


I love my combo, the F250 and my teeny little trailer (even smaller than yours). Guys laugh at me all the time, asking if I have enough truck for the trailer, but we bought the trailer when we had the F150 (2000 5.4 also) and this little trailer is like pulling nothing, not to mention if I don't want to back up to it, I can pretty much just push it around by hand if I need to.

Do use the tip about backing up and getting the feel for it in a big open parking lot and soon you'll be backing like a pro.

I even got high marks one day backing the trailer into a parking lot and turning around in front of a bunch of crusty old men who told my husband (who later told me), "Hey, she can back a trailer pretty good...for a girl." *LOL*

Smaller trailers, are, IMHO, harder to back than longer ones as they respond so fast and the shorter tongue seems to make them harder to track. At least for me.

Nice to see your vehicles! I am a truck nut, so I dig this thread.

Liz M.
I love your set up!!! Looks good to me!!! I just got my first truck - a Tundra - and I love it (now that I finally figured out how to park!)

Good luck!

Liz R.
I love it Jilly. It's very cute and suits you! .

The truck of course is gorgeous and I love the way the trailer matches up with it so well.

I've got a big motherload horse trailer but if I didn't have Sonny to worry about, I probably would have chosen one like yours instead.

Good luck with your new rig Jilly. I wish you many happy miles in it with your new horses to help you bring home ALL the ribbons!
SWEEEttt!!!! I love the fact that the colors coordinate and compliment each other. Don't worry the more you practice driving it the more confidence you'll have.
Very true about the warranty on the Hyundais (kind of off-topic to your original topic....lol) and it was a huge factor in my decision to buy a Hyundai! I hope to upgrade to a Tiberon someday...I love them! :bgrin

BTW, my truck had the huge engine, too...and when the gas prices started to go up significantly, I made my decision to trade it in! Instead of $10 every other day in gas, I spend $27 every 2 weeks!! :aktion033: (all this taken into consideration that I no longer have any horses to haul around
I think it's very cool Jill, very nice looking combo. That's neat you could get both plates to match too.

Wish I had a little trailer like that to put the boys in for day trips. I have an old straight load 2-horse Stidham (very cute and little) I'll finish one day but for now we have to drag the big ol 3-horse around everywhere we go. Absolutely heck to do with my moped
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Thanks, you all! I do love the truck and little trailer. The trailer I "could" pull w/ my Santa Fe, but I use that daily and bought it new, a 2005, on 12/31/04, so little more than a year ago -- have 27,000 miles on it already!!! So, I worried about using the same vehicle to haul horses as to commute since a big nightmare of mine is being stranded on the highway shoulder with some horses.

We're going to get Spirit in just a little bit and am excited to have her home. The only horse she will know here, if I am remembering correctly, is my "dunalino" (or real light silver bay dun) mare, Goldie. It will truly be like getting a new horse to have her home.
Eee! SO cute! That is exactly the set up I want!! I am soooo envious! I am sorry Spirit flunked Driving 101--with her movement I was sure she would just be awsome. Ah well--now she can produce babies with that pretty gliding trot--and SPOTS...right? So now you have to share...who has the pretty lady got a date with???


edited...shoud have spell checked
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Oh, I am dying to spill those beans. I haven't asked for permission to run my mouth about her fiance yet, but just did this morning so I hope I can make both that announcement and also one about Goldie. They have two different but gorgeous little men in their future this year!
:new_shocked: Jill, that is just about the most adorable rig I have ever seen! I have never even Heard of a bronze trailer, did you have it painted?? I think you just need to believe in yourself more as far as driving it, I am sure you will be a great Driver when you finally relax enough!!

A tip for backing, get yourself some cones in the empty parking lot, then as you try to back between them, notice how you have to arrange the steering wheel to get the hiney of the trailer where you want it.

I only own a small two horse, but had to drive much larger 4-6 horse goose neck rigs for work, and this was the only way I was able to become competent with them.
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Jill....your rig looks very nice together!!! I too am afraid of driving the truck & trailer. Our trailer is a full size horse one. I would love to get a mini trailer to pull with my Explorer.

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