Well-Known Member
We have a beautiful tiny, very healthy colt (course)
born here. He is two weeks old and has put us though the ringer!
1st... 1 week old... he manages to get on the outside of the BOARD fence
and got tangled up in the elec fence (off at the time) I was home...
looked in on him.. there he was, hanging upsidedown,, screaming..!!! Sheared off his little
belly button... He was ok.. and recovered fine
2nd... Moose came in heat... he got the scours/fever... feeling punky for a few days...
then today....
He is finally feeling better,,, out playing and frisky...
He eats some poop (YUCK) and CHOKES! He was seriously in trouble..Vet came (holiday trip,, OMG)
Tubes him.. all that stuff... he is ok... whewww... but I now have to
give him shots for a few days... He'll HATE me.
He is so precious... loves to nibble on my nose....but OMG... Here comes Mr. Trouble.!!!!!
Anybody else have one of these???? Please tell me that 3 is the magic number!!!!
This is his innocent little self......
born here. He is two weeks old and has put us though the ringer!
1st... 1 week old... he manages to get on the outside of the BOARD fence
and got tangled up in the elec fence (off at the time) I was home...
looked in on him.. there he was, hanging upsidedown,, screaming..!!! Sheared off his little
belly button... He was ok.. and recovered fine
2nd... Moose came in heat... he got the scours/fever... feeling punky for a few days...
then today....
He is finally feeling better,,, out playing and frisky...
He eats some poop (YUCK) and CHOKES! He was seriously in trouble..Vet came (holiday trip,, OMG)
Tubes him.. all that stuff... he is ok... whewww... but I now have to
give him shots for a few days... He'll HATE me.
He is so precious... loves to nibble on my nose....but OMG... Here comes Mr. Trouble.!!!!!
Anybody else have one of these???? Please tell me that 3 is the magic number!!!!
This is his innocent little self......