Ok, get this guys

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
A couple days ago (last Friday) we were given this assignment in Government Class to pick a diverse issure ...anything at all and come up with a 15 minute presentation on it with our opinion and explaine it in depth. WELL ...i spent all night last saturday, monday after school, wensday and last night working on my presentation which was on 'horse slaughter' because i know that was a pretty diverse issure in america and i already knew a good amount about it and expected the teacher to be thrilled. Well i get up there today and start my presentation ...there was no expression on his face at all and he was really paying attention so i thought i did well. The paper (4 pages!!!) was well wrote and i explained everything as good if not better then anyone else ...WELL,

My presentation was 14minutes long and when i get done all he had to say was 'okay ...how is horse slaughter diverse?'. I only explained that for 14 minutes. I spent about 2 minutes explaining how its done and giving them all the facts. The other 12 minutes was pretty much me giving my opinion, why i think that way and giving the other side of the opinion.

Apparently my GOVERNMENT TEACHER has never heard or seen a horse slaughter debate on the news ..because this issue is brought up at least once or twice a year on the news and ask anyone, they know all the contriversey. Everyone else has topics like 'taxes ...death penalty' ..now i thought mine was original and well put together.

Here is what he wrote on my sylibus (and i quote from the paper)

"You were asked to find a contriversial topic and give input into where you stood on it. Horse Slaughtering is not a part of america's contriversy. Animal Rights not main topics discussed in this world. You may re-present your presentation on a different topic Monday November 14 before class or after school, Follow your rule sheet and come up with a topic with more contriversy"

....apparently horse slaughter is not contriversial. This guy doesnt get along with to many people and monday i plan on getting switched over to the other government class tought by a different teacher. His class is insaine and i have a 54% in there, along with everybody else. He does not teach in a high school legel at all.

He gave me a 10/150 (the 10 points came from spending almost the full time infront of the class!). He said if i redo it, i will have another chance. I have never been so embarised and angry in my life. I took this personal

....that is CRAP ...i dont know if i should redo it because im thinking about changing that class and i have my own beleifs and he shot them down infront of the whole class.

Well, I do believe that horse slaughter is a very controversial subject in the horse field. However, it isn't really controversial to anyone not involved in horses or animal rights. It isn't something that alot of city folks talk about. On the other hand, I think if you showed both sides of the story well, and provided controversy in your paper then he should not have made you redo the paper, even if it wasn't a controversy he was familiar with. I don't know what to tell you about changing classes.
What got me was that he is a GOVERNMENT teacher ....this topic has been through the government many times. He claimed to never hear of it

also ..we had a week to do that assignment, he is giving me 2 days to redo it all over agian when it took me almost 4 days to get it done. Plus tommarow im going down south to get my mini mare. I just think he isnt looking at it from my side ...just because he has not heard of it doesnt make it non contriversial. I put it up there with the death penalty almost and animal mistreatment.

Well, unfortunately you are dealing with a typical Liberal teacher. Whatever doesn't fit into his personal agenda doesn't count.

A slightly different angle to the same topic you covered is the horse slaughter of wild mustangs that BLM manages. Now that was very contriversial and in the news.

All wild horses that go through the BLM auctions that are over a specific age are eligible for the meat buyers to bid on. Also any horse that didn't sell through 3 auctions, is also available to meat buyers. I do not know if the legislature passed this but it was in the news and a lot of animal lovers were fighting it.

Good luck with whatever you do....

I brought up the Wild Mustangs in the presentation but didnt go in depth really. The thing is ...redo it for the grade ..or not do it for personal issues and standing for what i beleive in.

high school stinks!

When you were given the assignment, what , exactly, was the wording on how to choose your subject matter?
ha ha
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He sounds more conservative to me... ha, ha...(sorry, MA...you know what a danged liberal I am...)

Actually, whatever his political bent, and despite my being an equine-centric individual, I have to agree that this is very controversial to horse and animal lovers, but it sounds like he was looking for human rights issues.

He probably is aware of your strong interest in horses and may have wanted you to reach farther for something beyond that -- my grade school teachers used to beg me to write about (and draw) something other than horses! I never stopped loving horses, but I did open my eyes to the rest of the world out there, which I'm afraid a lot of people with a passion for one area never do -- including many musicians and artists.

HOWEVER, if that was what he wanted, he should have been more specific in his instructions.

Please don't let one teacher make you hate school. Learning is truly my passion in life...I hate to see anyone close their mind or limit their options at such a young age.
Hmm if it were me I think i would point out that since he seems to think animal rights isnt a issuea at all and you feel it is a large issue then seems to me that is an example of controversy right there
susanne said:
He sounds more conservative to me... ha, ha...(sorry, MA...you know what a danged liberal I am...)



You are such a wonderful person, but I don't expect you to be PERFECT!

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OK here is my suggestion. Go back to the archives of the forum and find the topic where the debate went on for pages print all of it out. Then search the net for actual newspaper articles and find the actual slaughter bill print all that out......won't help your grade but will bury this guy in controversy

Personally if he doesn't realize the controversy of this subject he has his head up his
I'm sorry your teacher is an @ss. It sounds like you worked very hard on the project and really put your heart and soul into it. And he should grade it based on that, not what HE feels is controversial.

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