Old Pony Journals (amhr magazines)

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thanks to jackie for giving me a ton of old pony journals to auction off for CMHR

I am just fascinated reading thru these!! All the old ads. All the old pictures of horses i have heard about but never seen. Pictures of famous stallions such as orion that i have never seen before(i have only seen one shot of orion before). And did you guys know they used to print every transfer in the magazine??

And oh my gosh the cartoonist they had was hilarious! They were called Jarodies and man this guy was dead on. Makes fun of Board members, trainers, hackney ponies etc. There should be a book done of these cartoons. They are both mini and pony cartoons

And bill there is an ad with a sketch that says "quicksilver" i wonder if thats your stallion??

I could go on and on but its just fascinating to see the old ads for farms that are still around and some that are now gone.

theres an ltd ad announcing haley being born and some doc taylor ads announcing his daughters engagement and then wedding.

I think ill auction them as one lot?? What do you guys think?

How many old journals are there? How far back do they go? There are a lot of pony lovers that will probably bid on them.....but, only if we know some of the contents and age of the magazines......

Reason being, I have some old ones that I really treasure, but don't care to buy more of the same ones.....make sense????

They are a great "auction" item!!!!!!
ill have to write them down but looks like from 1987 to 1991

funny too as i guess this is when the B div started and there are ads thanking amhr for starting the B div

also some of the prices of minis in here are just wow! looks like avg price was 4000.00
Kay, can you use any more of those for the Rescue? I have all of mine sacked up, they are pretty-much continuous from 1995 or 96 to the present time. Do you think anyone would bid on them? If so, next time Russ comes over about the house, (or hopefully when you come over for the CLOSING)LOL, you can pick them up if you think you can make anything on them.
kaykay said:
ill have to write them down but looks like from 1987 to 1991
funny too as i guess this is when the B div started and there are ads thanking amhr for starting the B div

also some of the prices of minis in here are just wow! looks like avg price was 4000.00



If you don't wish to list each individual magazine, then list a group by year. For example; A listing for all from 1987 and include in the discription, which issues and a little bit about the subjects in each issue. These old magazines usually go pretty good on eBay, so you'll probably have success here on a mini forum. There are many of us newbies that like to look at the old magazines. Matter of fact; I just bought three batches of Miniature Horse Voice off of eBay. I may be interested in some of the Journals when you get them listed on the auction here.
Hey Kay, I haven't been on for several days and just happened to pop in tonight and saw this post. I am so glad to see you liked those. I told you they were pretty cool. Hope everyone bids well for you. I know as I was browsing through them I saw some pics and history on some big names. It is so fun to go back and look at the pictures of the horses and breeders. Gotta love some of the hair styles, show clothes and of course the body styles of the horses. A lot of the mini stuff taking championships back then wouldn't even bother to enter today as the style has changed a fair bit LOL. Good luck and everybody jump in on the bidding, especially you pony people as there is some cool stuff.
Hey Kay,

The Jarodies cartoons were done by Jared Lee. It is one of the first places that Jared's work was published. His family was big into the moderns when I was a kid and he and my dad and uncle used to travel the circuit and show together as kids. He was originally from Indiana and is now in your neck of the woods in Lebanon, Ohio. Alot of those old cartoons show up in the books he does now. One in particular has a lot of them "Talk to the Hoof".
i was so impressed by those cartoons! such wit! AMHR needs to hire him back! thanks for the info on that

i do want to say though there is a lot of mini stuff in theses. At the time it was called pony journal but there are a lot of historical miniatures pictured.

also there is a letter to the editor that nancy of woodstock wrote. It is so touching.

Also i read last night an article about what passed as convention and it says

AMHR A and B division will stay an open registry for now. Should this ever change one year prior notice will be given. Hmmmm. Did we get a years notice?

When I was cleaning out the bookcase several days ago, I came across a copy of a 1981 Journal. I really has some of the old farms and pictures. Also, several early AMHA National catalogues. The NFC Farm sale book is there also.


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