Why foaling season is so stressful:
1. Computer/cam issues: OK, I think I already noted that I had to upgrade my operating system on this computer because I needed to do it for my at home work (which is our household's major source of income) and then the cams went down overnight because I forgot to turn off automatic updates. So computer and cam issues are a major source of stress.
2. Pager issues: Happened to notice all the minis lying down yesterday, including Dancer who was flat out. Since the pager was in my pocket and ON, why wasn't it going off? Turns out the GFI outlet had shut off and (at 10:30 last night) we could not get it to work, so we were stringing an extension cord to a different outlet. Need to check daily to make sure pager box is working.
3. Toffee has decided that she no longer wants me to check her udder, take photos, or generally get anywhere near her. Last year photos were no problem, but don't expect any this year. Vet and farrier within a week, plus the farrier took her breakaway halter off yesterday by mistake didn't help any.
4. This on top of normal stuff like crappy weather (praying we see 50 degrees some day soon), spring mud, and just hit a number of moldy hay bales I need to dump. Anyone know the best way to disinfect your loft to prevent the spread of the mold?