Once you give your word you need to keep your word

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Does anyone else feel this way?

Jerry still believes that a handshake means a deal's a deal.

He gets screwed over something pitiful.
I agree & people should not make promises they know they will not or can't keep......... I did learn years ago NOT to make promises to my children though........We bought our daughter a mare for $2500. Cleaned her up & took her to a horse show two weeks later. She won first place but a trainer was there & wanted to buy the mare. Finally offered us $8,000. I had told our daughter that it was her mare & it was her decision as I had promised. Didn't sell & later the mare was bred but had problems carrying foals, cost several thousand of dollars & only had one live foal. Mare was sold as a pet. Another horse owner & father had told Lee to sell her.
: I said no way, our daughter will remember our broken promise forever...... Now she has two children of her own & this grand mommy is not making any promises - just a 'we will see'approach............ As for integrity, that is one thing that NO ONE can take away from you. I respect a poor person with integrity above a rich person that has none.
I agree and a promise is a promise. I promised our youngest that Rabbit would not be sold unless she said so- I was then offered an open cheque for him!! I asked her, she said No and the horse stayed.

I have to say I never regretted it either.

If you had seen her face when we packed up a colt she had raised and saw him off with a wave "when are they bringing him back??" she asked, bottom lip starting to wobble!!

We had not explained the concept of "selling" to her.

So.. the Promise.

And it was kept.

She's a mother herself now, and Rabbit is still here.

It matters not to whom the Promise is made.

A Promise is a Promise.

I do not make Promises I do not keep.
I know many people who have nothing to give but their word. If you cannot be trusted to keep it you have nothing. One lesson I learned early in life is that its often easier to give your word than to keep it. If a person has no pricipals they have nothing.
Giving ones word is a problem from the top down, that and morality. Think Enron. Everything companies do is no longer for their employees nor for the people the product is for, its for investors. This is why products that may help some ( like a recently pulled cancer drug) but cost the bottom line, are scraped. This is why jobs are going overseas and why we are being replaced by machines/robots at every chance.

What scares me is the people that are at jobs and are due retirement. These companies no longer hold out the money they put in, its invested elsewhere. Then the outsource the jobs so you then have , say, 500 people paying in to retirement that some 2000 people are on. Then to top it off they make Unionized workers take cuts in pay etc, but then turn around and pay the CEOs/CFOs etc enormous bonuses.

We are a society of MEMEMEMEME!!! and its getting SO much worse. We flip out when someone loses a life ( not knocking that) such as 9/11 and we will collect donations for them. But the people that loose everything because of shady management (again think Enron) we forget because 'its only money'.

**Jerry still believes that a handshake means a deal's a deal.

He gets screwed over something pitiful.**

I have to say I am ashamed of my race. Husband has a motorcycle shop and trusts that when people say they will be in to pay/pick up, they will. Well, they wont. We have had bikes for a few months here. Some owe $1000 plus and the parts we have to pay each month, so this is either shop running money or will come from our pockets. We have a sign up that states we will collect storage and/or put a mechanics lein, but hubby refuses to enact it. The worst people for not paying are the so called professionals, you would think they would be the best. The very best people for paying and keeping their word are the very ones society 'assumes' wont. They are there when they state, or they will call and they pay with no griping. And its not just us, there are 3 owner/operators of small businesses here that have gone under because people wouldnt pay.
:aktion033: Yep having been raised on a small island of farmers and fisherman your word had better be good or no one will have anything to do with you. The kids in my group ge upset with them because I won't give them a real answer most of the time . I only say yea if I am really really sure I can do whatever.
I would almost rather die than not keep my word.

I've run into people that not only break their word, but deny ever giving it.
Maybe I shouldnt be replying on here,...but,...somthing is complelling(sp?) to do sooo,......

I am VERY ASHAMED to admit that I can be one of these people,.......not because I like to upset people or because I dont think it isnt wrong.

I think my problem is that I get soooo very over excited and caught up in a momment that i make promises ,...then my finances and /or situation doesent allow me to carry out with my intentions.

I wish i wouldnt jump soooo very quick at things,..but,...I doo,..and like I said above ,...I am very ashamed of this fact,....

I am trying to learn to think more before I act,..but,..it is very hard for me,......

I just wanted to be honest about this,.....and I have had MANY promises broken to me through out my life and I know how this makes me feel,.....I know that I am no better then the person who broke promises to me and it makes me sick that I can be this way
,...usually it is promises of buying somthing that I know I cant afford. :no:
APPYMOM, I HAD TO LAugh at your honesty and the name of one of your horses.....FOXYS FLAMING PROMISE LOL :lol: :aktion033:
I usually dont respond to posts but this is a thought provoking one and IMO this is another issue of respect. Much of the next generation have not been taught that to have self respect is very important and that a man/woman is only as good as their word. Instead this is a time of say what you must to get what you want. When I grew up this was known as lying and was not held in high regard. It seems that now the best liar wins. Sad but true. The level of respect today in all things has almost disappeared and if we think about it self respect was the first to go. I dont give my word unless I am quite sure I can keep it and certainly if there are extenuating circumstances and life gets in the way I am the first to try to make things right. My sympathies to those who have been victim of this ME society. My signature says it all Love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe.
I agree that no one should make promises that they don't think they can keep. Only make them when you are SURE.

We have been burned by many people who don't know what the word means!

And when it comes to your children? It's best not to make absolute promises. I am trying to teach my daughter by example and if I break a promise to HER what kind of message is that????

It has just been so frustrating lately...and bad deals seem to be the norm.

Jerry still believes that a handshake means a deal's a deal.
He gets screwed over something pitiful.
This is exactly how I feel. However, I will dwell on the good and, for that, I am thankful for the truly honest, trustworthy people I have had the honor of doing business with.

Pepipony, we finally found something that we totally agree on. I do enjoy your take on things...but all to many times I wish there wasn't so much TRUTH in them!

Enjoy your weekend all. I know this weekend I'm fighting the blues to start all over again in my quest to find the right homes for my furbabies...Fred, Charley, and Paint. I will do what is right FOR them.


This isnt meant as a put down Lois, not in the slightest bit, I jsut cant seem to word it so it doesnt sound as such. So keep that in mind.

I do speak the truth, or at least I reallllllly try to. I am bad about looking at every angle of everything. If a politician states such and such, I will hear what they say, but then will see what they do and usually these 2 things dont jive.

I think a lot of the problems we are facing is the truth isnt wholly out there. Things get sugar coated or washed over completely to make whomever sound/look better. Iraq, they stated one time that the hospitals were up and running.OK, some were, BUT, when we think of that we think of 'ER' and assume that they are like they are here. Then you see a documentary and only a few rooms are barely inhabitable, but hey, they have bandages so they are open. Take that airline a few years ago who got the Union to make concessions in pay/retirement etc, then come to find out the CEO/CFOs etc paid themselves one hefty bonus at the end of the year. ALL businesses do that. Hubby works for the RR and for a few years they worked with no contract, so then they got royally messed over paywise. Meanwhile the honchos patted each other on the back for the money they saved, then gave each other $15mill+ bonuses, EACH!!!!! Basically, they rob from the poor and gave it to themselves. WalMart is being sued because they found that the men were making more than the women, why? Because men are head of household. No one stopped to ask how many of those women were lone parents now. It all just sucks. Its rediculous. And its in every aspect of our lives. Healthcare is the same, I have an illness that I am on permanent dissability for , yet they wont treat it. STUPID!!!!!

I would rather put myself out than anyone else. We are in the midst of a firecleanup and I dont even want a company to come do it, but will have to. I no longer give my word, my health wont allow it, not that I wont do something 'just because' but because I may actually not be able to. Or even worse, may give my word in a 'fog' then not even recall doing such

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