Thanks for the replies!
What a day! Sleet and snow in the night. Couldn't get the trailer out with my towing pickup, as still too much mud from ice storm. After that didn't work, I used the old farm pickup to get the trailer out. Loaded muddy horse.
Drove 3 hours to my appointment place and had to wait, as the dr had an emergency.
Eye dr was an older woman named Virginia Schultz. Her diagnosis was severe allergy. The pain had caused him to close off the duct which allowed the moisture to drain down the nose. That's why it's running down his face. She saw no damage to the cornea, thank goodness, and said it looked good. I didnt' realize the horse could close the duct but she said a hrose will do that if the eye is painful.
She wore a magnifying head/eye piece and used the little light like human eye doctors use.
She will be sending the bill, so I have no idea how much it will be.
She is emailing me a list of over-the-counter treatments to try 3 times a day, and if that doesn't work she will prescribe something.
I guess the good news is he doesnt' have a serious problem. The bad news is, this could an ongoing thing for the rest of his life. So, I suppose, like people, horses can acquire an allergy in later life. The original injury may have been caused as he rubbed his irritated eye against something.
While I was at the equine center, a woman brought in a beautiful mare used for cutting. Her face was so friendly and intelligent! (the horse, not the woman). The woman said it was the best horse she'd ever owned. She was a world champion. Not sure what the mare was in for, but I heard the vet say he was giving her bute. So, I asked how long the horse could do that job, and the woman replied" until she goes lame".
Another client was there with a race horse. He was concerned about a slight swelling in the leg. The vet did ultrasound and found nothing and told the owner the hrose could go back into training. The concerned man kept asking, well what was the swelling? The vet said the hrose had probably knocked that inside of the leg with the other leg and it was not an issue. The horse was sound.
So, two clients, who had different approaches to their horses...