Saw an ad for a project mini mule. I was under the impression he was gelded, but when I spoke to the owner she said he wasn't. So we would definitely have to have him gelded ASAP....but he's around 7 years old...and just reading at the American Donkey and Mule Society site it recommended gelding before 2 years.
The current owner bought him from an auction a month or so ago as a companion for her miniature horse, but he turned out to be too rowdy for her mini that has stringhalt.
Apparently he needs quite a bit of work....she said it seems like he's been manhandled, has trust issues. Doesn't lead (she keeps a 10' line on him). She said he's gentle hasn't shown any aggression to her dog, horses, loves her kids hanging out with him.
I'm not concerned about needing work, both Prince (pony) and Farah (Arab mare) had trust issues ...but I am a bit concerned that he isn't gelded. . We would have to keep him stalled until he was gelded and then most likely up to a month after.....I know every animal is an individual, and you really can't predict how they are going to be after gelding.....I would imagine if he's ok with horses now he would at least be the same after gelding, if not better....but, I've heard they are stronger than horses and can be pretty vicious, so......
Anyway, we will probably go see him tomorrow (unless we decide not to even take the chance.....I left a message for the vet asking how soon she would be able to geld him...that may make a difference).
Opinions/advice would be most appreciated
