Thank you everyone. We had to sedate Whitney and bring the baby into the house. I just couldn't provide the care he needs out there any longer, I have 3 young children. I feel so horrible taking him away. She's been wonderful with him and us and it's breaking my heart hearing her call him. He's in a playpen in the living room. He had another plasma transfusion today and is opening his eyes just a bit when I talk to him
He still can't get up or control his body, every move he makes is wild and really exaggerated. But considering he hadn't opened his eyes or responded to us AT ALL since about 1 am this morning I am thrilled to see those little peeks through his lashes.
I forgot to mention earlier he has been getting IV glucose since yesterday. Someone mentioned that low blood sugar could cause his seizures and my husband does think that is part of his seizure issue, his little body just is not properly using what we are giving him. His other theory is brain damage so I'm going with the first theory
My husband still thinks he has a chance so as long as that chance is there we will do all we can. This just feels so surreal, we just got through 7 months of caring for and treating Jedi and his broken leg before putting him down last month, we lost a filly to Colitis at a trainers in September and now this... nope, not losing ANY MORE, this little guy better make it
I know these things happen though. If you want the good (those sweet little babies and show ring dreams) then I guess you better be ready for the bad too.
A quick unblanketing for a pic