MiLo Minis
Well-Known Member
Kim had to work but Garnet had the week off to stay home with Nick over the March break from school so the two of them came for a horse visit. Nick went in to play with Mickey so Garnet and I went for a drive. Kim had graciously offered to let Garnet use her horse Fleur with strict instructions not to break her
I harnessed up Manny and Garnet took Fleur both of whom have had some experience on the road and of course have been introduced to vehicles while line driving as well but have only really started driving this spring. We headed out onto my normally very quiet sideroad. For some reason Wednesday everyone decided that Conc 2 was the route to take and there were more vehicles came down that one day than I have ever met in an entire week before I think! There were a couple cars and a pickup truck - no big deal. The horses got maybe a bit tense but no reaction as they have experienced them before. We passed the swamp and were just coming to the next farm when a tow truck slowly approached from behind DRAGGING a car behind it with it's front bumper and exhaust system scraping the road, spewing sparks and making an outrageous amount of noise on the gravel road. Manny got tall and tight and I glanced back to see that Fleur was feeling the same way and Garnet had a grim expression. I said "talk to her Garnet" and I turned my attention back to Manny as he was popping a bit on the front. I talked to him and reined him in a bit and he settled as the towtruck pulled off into the distance. Then I looked back to see how Garnet was managing. The road was CLEAR! They were nowhere in sight!!! I immediately turned and headed back thinking OH MY GOSH KIM IS GONNA KILL ME!!! Not only did Garnet have HER horse but HER Jerald show cart as well.
I was heading for the swamp where I fully expected to find Garnet, horse and cart upside down. When I passed the drive shed just before the lane of the farm Garnet and Fleur came trotting out. Apparently Fleur had taken matters into her own hands (hooves?) and turned into the laneway taking Garnet along for the ride and only turned to come out once that scary thing was gone!
Big sigh of relief and we continued on. We met quite a few more vehicles - a freakishly big dark brown UPS van, a transport truck, an incredibly noisy diesel pickup immediately followed by a second but quieter diesel. By the end of the drive ANYTHING could have passed those two and they wouldn't have batted an eye. I think we can now consider them pretty road safe.
Garnet and I feel it was a really good drive because we were all four alive, upright and in one piece and it was a beautiful warm, sunny day to boot! Now, do we tell Kim?