Hi Ben, thanks for the call. I hit both the low and then quickly the high alert as I was throwing clothes on and heading to the barn. Your call came as I was running down the road to the barn.
Strawberry had just gotten a viable bag yesterday am and it was enlarged with thin colostrum by last night, but by no means full or rock hard, so I had not triggered a low alert earlier.
Around 11:20 pm she started getting more and more restless. I waited about 20 minutes before I hit the low alert and got dressed. I could not believe it when not long after that I was hitting the high alarm and on my way out to the barn. The water broke as I entered the barn.
Interesting to note is that both these last two foals that were born late were quite sleepy after birth and seemed to need a bit of time to get orientated and ready to nurse. I decided not to worry too much, but to let nature take it's course. I stayed in the barn while they slept and waited until I saw them nursing before leaving the barn. They both were nuring in just over an hour after birthing, only their begining was different then usual for a newborn. They came out and went to sleep. Both a very deep sleep.
The foal is solid white with black ears and black spots down her spine to her tail. Tail is white. I will see if there are any other spots today now that she is dry. Eyes are blue.
Strawberry is a chestnut frame overo and likely carrying a sabino gene we cannot test for at this time.
Sire is a homozygous for black, sabino splashed white.
My guess is this filly has all three genes: sabino, splash, and frame.