Patches and Jet are so busted!!!

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I have been so happy about how well jet has adjusted with the move etc. And I noticed that patches has really buddied up with him. Yep i should have been suspicous LOL. Looked out the window today and there is patches with Jet nursing off her!!! And shes encouraging him!!! As far as we know Patches has never had a foal. But she always has a bag with sticky fluid in it (why we thought she was due to foal last year) Here are the pictures I took as I couldnt belive it LOL. They are fuzzy because I had to zoom way in to get the pictures. They look like they belong



and here he moves to the other side and she nuzzles his butt ENCOURAGING HIM TO NURSE!

Awwww...she wants a baby and he'll do for her must be! Too cute!
LOL Awww They are so cute! Patches needs to be a mommy!

They could easily pass as dam & foal to.

Those are just to cute! Patches will be a pro momma by the time she has her first baby
arent they too cute?? !! they are really paired up now. Is this healthy to let them?? I hate to seperate them as Jet is really comforted by her. I noticed tonight she lets him nurse a few seconds then nudges him off a bit. I really dont want to stress Jet all over again.

It really seems like ponies gravitate to ponies. Anyone else notice that?? You really would think they were dam and foal!
unfortunately shes not in foal. Poor crunch keeps trying but hes having a reach problem LOL. So hes not really getting anything but a pacifier. Im going to watch them again tomarrow and see what they do. He goes in a stall alone at night. If he gets to "nursing" too much ill have to seperate them. I have to say Patches is in love and thinks hes hers
Kay the milk can be brought in even if the mare is not in foal- I would not let this happen myself you will have to wean them both all over.

I know it is hard- I have my weaned foals out with two yearlings and they really showed them the ropes- shan't do that again, I now have four weaned foals who know how to get through an electric fence!!
well im happy to report the "nursing" has stopped. I think patches finally got tired of him tugging on her lol. also hes now making friends with star so isnt so glued to patches. This is so funny to me that they always gravitate to the other ponies not the miniatures. Somehow they know

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