Peanut Blessed me with a

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But look at her bathroom...I sure hope thats not her choose of sleeping area tonight...looks like a loose one in there but i dont want to go bother her and check
Night night Nancy, I slept o.k thanks, I was thinking about Suzie for a long time and then I must have nodded off.

Heidi, I normally pop to the local shop and buy fresh Briosches for me and the boys as soon as I have finished feeding the donkeys but I am still without a car
so it will be milk and cereals today.

Miss Nutty isn't standing still much this evening
baby is coming yahooooooooooo (typical as the cam isn't very clear tonight) but who cares.

I will turn light on when we need them promise and remind me tomorrow and I'll do a little dusting on the cam lens....anything my watchers need.

sounds many donkeys do you have are they minis? I keep finding out these little tib bits about you Renee LOL
Heidi sorry, I was being rude about my chips bc this morning they decided to run around the dry lot and not go into the pasture
I am not the sharpest pencil in the box at 6.30am and I don't have the patience for these games as the kids are at home alone so I try to be quick. I do have a mule though that I rescued but she lives at the house bc she has a bad leg and can't run.
Renee, just wondering what are the laws over there for smoking in public. here in the us no more in public rest. or bars..pretty much no where
No smoking in public places here too but everyone just smokes outside, it is no big deal to walk around smoking. The last time I was in Florida I got stared at by everyone and 1 guy even told me off.
What made everyone so god darn perfect all of a sudden?
There are alot of beaches now where you cant even smoke...its crazy. But i do understand it when I see people leaving butts all over the beach but I would have to think most people would pick up their own, how hard is it>

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