Peanut brittle

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2004
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Thumb area of Michigan
One of the guys at work makes this for everyone at Christmas time, real good

MIX:( in microwave safe glass bowl) and its gonna be hot so have oven mitts ready!

1.5 cups of peanuts

1 cup of white sugar

1/2 cup of corn syrup

pinch of salt

Microwave for 6-7 mins...slightly longer for smaller microwaves, should be bubbly and pnuts slightly browned

Stir in:

1 tbls of butter

1 tsp of vanilla

Microwave 2-3 mins

Stir in:

1 Tsp of baking soda

Pour into greased pan (Pam)

Cool and break into pieces
My hubby's favorite candy is peanut brittle. Thanks for the recipe I'll try it tomorrow.
Oh my goodness that sounds so easy that even I can maybe try that one.
Making peanut brittle is VERY easy I'm fairly certain anyone can do it. I first made it when I was 13yrs old. One thing is be very careful as it gets so hot and that corn syrup really hurts you if you get it on you while it's hot!

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