O kay, I have to add to the list..
Noisy eaters, butt crack showing pants wearing people. That is just something I would rather not see!
Either buy a bigger size to cover it up, or down size so they stay up..Better yet, buy suspenders!!
Even though I smoke, I hate to see butts everywhere, people smoking around kids.. I smoke outside 24/7 and have coffee cans on the porch and out behind the barn.. If we go out to eat, I ask for non smoking(Where smoking is still allowed) as that is just nasty when you are eating..
Getting carded for cigs when I am 35yrs..
Liars, disrespectful people.. The thing I hate to see the most is a kid mouthing off to a parent. This happened at a dr. appt I had recently. The mom just sat there and took it. I looked at the girl and said"What happened to the days when "CHILDREN respected their parents". Shut her right up, then..
Users-- Family or friends that only call when they need something..
The one that gets me too, is hearing about how broke some one is, but they have more money than China has rice. Come live with me and I'll show you how the broke people live. We don't have different cars for different days of the week, or 2 or three homes, jet skis and 4 wheelers..
People that don't know how to walk, dragging their feet everywhere. I remember only doing it one time when I was little(I still have flash backs on that one)

Okay, maybe I should stop.. But i do still have some left
Edited to add: OOPS.. Can't forget about bubble gum cracking people. That just goes right threw me like fingers on a chalk board..