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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
I got a pet today and i could not be happier! It's been a while since I have had a pet that was mine and mine and mine only. She is a gray and white guinea pig. I am litter training her and the people at the pet store said that when thats done we can train her to do tricks. I will take some photos and post them once she gets all settled she is still getting used to her new home (you would never guess how difficult it is to put a cage together lol).

thanks for letting me share.

Congratulations :aktion033: no matter how big or small it is cool to have a pet of your very own. Can't wait for pics and then later some of her tricks
: cute!! you very own lil cavie!!! let me guess did you call her BOB!!!???? roflmao Let's see some pics of your new little cutie!!
: Ginea pigs are so cute, except the new variety of hairless ones, those look like they were victims of an angry hairdresser!! :new_shocked:

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Congrats, can't wait to see pigtures. I have 3 guinea pigs of my own; they are great little pets. Also, if your new to guina pigs, you could try the site They have a forum and you are welcome to ask any questions you want(after you sign up of coruse). Its a great place to meet people that also love guinea pigs.
Awsome venessa!!!I love them there so cute!!Congrats and enjoy!!!! :aktion033:
Congratulations! I was thinking about getting a "pig" a couple months was so cute and it was marked so unique. I didn't do it though, I've already simplified my life by selling the horses and goats, so there won't be any new critters coming here. I didn't realize you could litter train them. I've had them when I was younger and they just pooped anywhere...and everywhere!
thanks everyone, ok so she is not really only mine, she is my b/f's pet as well. No pam her name is not Bob :lol: we named her scruffy LOL. The idea behind litter training is that for a while you only have one kind of beeding in the cage in a little area so the rest of the cage is bare, because they wont go where they can't cover it up. Then you put a different type of beeding in everywhere else with a different texture and they will still go to the bathroom on the original beeding. I should have photos posted by tonight
Yay Vanessa! Its about time you got your own pet, well besides a fish that is.

So happy for you. Hopefeully I will see you around. Im with Pam tho, I thought you

would have called her Bob. You name everything Bob. I like Scruffy tho. Its cute.


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