I hope to get some opinions (and encouragement) from you all- whom I respect so much. My older mare, which I have mentioned on here awhile back being treated for possible placentitis, has now made it to 310 days! I am very, very happy about that, as you might have guessed! Anyway, it appears the foal has dropped. The mare is not even looking pg any longer from behind- you guys know the look. But, there is very little bag yet. I can express a small amt of fluid, which is now a bit sticky. I have been able to get some fluid out of her since around 220 days, when she started a bag which alerted us to possible placentits. I would think that if the foal has dropped, she should be having this baby before long. I am a bit worried about the bag issue now. Her stable mate, due two days later, has blossomed an udder in the past 48 hrs. I know all mares are different, but I am worried because the foal appears to have dropped and no real bag is developing. I understand she had to have domperidone last time (4 yrs ago), but I wonder about fescue at her past place because several mares then had to have domperidone. She also carried to 343 days last time (makes me wonder even more about fescue). Anyway, do you have some words of encouragement? I do have her under camera at night and a foal alert 24/7.