I just bought Photoshop Elements 6 as well, and highly recommend it, you will really love it. I was terrified to learn it at first, there is just wayyyyy to much to this program, and it can be confusing and overwhelming. I had an older version of photoshop before, and just gave up on it because it was just to much for me. I have since bought a book called "the photoshop elements 6 book for digital photographers", and I highly recommend it. It's by Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski. They have excellent tutorials in there, it's laid out wonderfully, and is so easy to follow. The tutorials work, and he talks in terms that the average person can follow. It was only $24.
I think the elements 6 is easier to work with, and I'd suggest that at first you just learn the basics of what you would normally want to use just to improve your photos, and work from there. You will have fun with it.............it isn't so scary anymore! They actually have a section in there where it will guide you through some of the basic photo fixes like light and dark, cropping, enhancing colors, sharpening....etc.
You can also find alot of visual tutorials on YouTube by searching for photoshop elements 6 in their search area.