I adopted this mini "Pico" from the animal welfare place that I volunteer. He is approx. 8-11 months old, from what they can tell. He has adjusted super well and is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, everything looking good. I basically started feeding him what I give my horses - good quality grass hay; mineral salt block; mush in the morning (1/2 c. soaked timothy pellets, Equipride digestive enzyme, Progressive ProAdvantage Grass Formula pellets). I've had him a week and just started letting him out into the larger paddock. He is in a smaller pen at night then opened into the larger paddock during the day (some grass, but not much) and I drop some hay in different areas for him to forage.
Here are my questions...
How much hay should I be feeding him? The last weigh in was 144lbs. (one week ago).
He is VERY calm - doesn't run much at all - if any and is not very reactive. He's not sure about people so I've been working with him a lot on that and he's already had a trim on his feet and stood really well for that. Is this normal? I guess I was expecting a lot more running around and energy for a young horse.
You may notice on some of the pictures he has quite the big belly. Is this normal in babies or should I be worried about this? He was wormed about a month ago at the shelter.
Lastly, anything you see in him off the bat that I should be aware of? We have no infomation on him from the prior owners, so he is a mystery. He's pretty small - about 26".

Here are my questions...
How much hay should I be feeding him? The last weigh in was 144lbs. (one week ago).
He is VERY calm - doesn't run much at all - if any and is not very reactive. He's not sure about people so I've been working with him a lot on that and he's already had a trim on his feet and stood really well for that. Is this normal? I guess I was expecting a lot more running around and energy for a young horse.
You may notice on some of the pictures he has quite the big belly. Is this normal in babies or should I be worried about this? He was wormed about a month ago at the shelter.
Lastly, anything you see in him off the bat that I should be aware of? We have no infomation on him from the prior owners, so he is a mystery. He's pretty small - about 26".