While watching last nite I remembered all the "stuff" surrounding this foal.......
mare was sono`ed in foal 18days but the pregancy wasent viable, had put Lala on regumate on day 10 after breeding due to dentist was coming out and she had caps that needed to be pulled so when she went to vet to see if prego the vet said to pull her regumate since pregancy wasent viable, this was done, 3days later Lala came down with runny nose and cough so vet started her on meds that were not tested on broodmares but this would not be a problem--Lala not really prego-- well left Lala in with stallion for 30 days never saw any hanky panky going on so took her back to be resono`ed and sure enough there was a fetus 50 days so.......we really dont know whats in there..keep dreaming its this beautiful 8 leged, 2 headed baby
Just thought id give yall something to read.............
I just got new cam up and working much better pic, i am 150 feet from her stall to my door so real close, my vet is on standby and is 7 miles away from me so time is quick thank god....
as far as udders these puppys grew over nite she had alittle but not much last nite.
given how paranoid I am over a good one I can't imagine how you are feeling.
I've seen two approaches to placentitis.
1. Cross your fingers, maybe stick in a med and hope you get lucky.
Sometimes they are sometimes they aren't.
2. Observation, medication, blood test/potential treatment of foal.
I've had some friends struggle with it with their big horses. It certainly ups the risks of the pregnancy but good post foaling care of the mare and blood testing the foal can do a lot to weigh the odds in your favour