Celtic Hill Farm
Well-Known Member
Okay, so Aura is doing SOO GOOD!!! we had a little problems but they were fixed quick. Before i was driving her in an open bridle, but i switched to a bridle with blinders and i think she is paying attention better. She is finally geting the trot, and we trot up and down the road (not a car road, it's an old mail rout rode that no one uses so it's big and grassy and perfect for a road trot on! funnn...) We are working on LOTS and LOTS of bending, and she finally trots in the arena, she won't exactly trot and turn at the same time, but i don't have to hit her with the whip to get her to trot i just tap and she trot!
ohhh...how well am i harnessed? i think it's pretty good. i wish the Brest collar fitted her better but she has a small chest, i might have to look into getting a more draft styled harness for her.
thanks guys! ~Ian!