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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I had a GREAT time at nationals! We were stalled in Barn E..right across from Applewood Farms, and right near the 8-horse hitch (Meadowwind). I met many forum members, and everyone was so kind!

Some members that I met (sorry if I forget any of you) are LAD (Lisa and Haley Davis), Erica(Jill, I met Destiny!!..hes awesome!), Suzy Hooper, REO (Robin), Flat Lotto
: , Rob@ CLC, Lee Crutchfield, Kristina from Sawmill River, and the list goes on! I saw and recognized Raven and Lisa from Ruff N Tuff, Lyn_J, and Laura and Mia...but never introduced myself.

I made good friends with Haley Davis, Kristina Slobody, Corey Hatfield, and Jamie Sanders- Steph and I hung out with them a lot.

We made the 25 hour drive (27h on the way home) from Canada with 3 horses. We were there the entire show and had a blast!! I was Steph's groom and helped her out with getting horses ready and whatnot. Next year, I will be showing my new boy, Magic Mans Challenger...so you can watch for me in the ring then. Although, I did go in Liberty with Steph to help chase her colt around- that was fun.

Anyways....on to the pictures...they basically explain themselves...I labelled most of them.





Ooo kris!!You guys look awsome!!Every one does!!!That pic of you and steph is realy funny!!!hahahaha good job steph Sizzle looks awsome. Thanks for posting kris I was waiting for these
:aktion033: :aktion033: Ok, you have a picture of my mare,(top right) I HAD to be around, yes I recognize you from your pictures, but why didn't you say anything girl?????

Sorry, did not know it was you!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing!
CONGRADULATIONS Looks like you gals had fun :aktion033:

Anyone else from Ontario? I think I posted just when you did.

Rod and his 8- hitch, I would of loved to see that.

Rod and Heather is who I bought my stallion and two mares from about 4 years ago.

They are a great couple and sure know their horses.

Thanks for sharing
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Hey i never got to really meet ya'll but i saw ya'll around quite a bit. I was hanging out with Lee Crutchfield and the whole Aloha Acre gang part of the time and i was hanging out with Kristina Slobody part of the time too and then the rest of the time i was hanging out with just whoever. Steph's stallion NHF Sizzles Black Raven is one really nice stallion, and he deserved to win everything he won. During the Liberty class i was down there with Kristina Slobody and Michelle Nelson admiring him. He is one pretty horse. Maybe i will get to really meet ya'll eventually. Aubrey
Great Job Steph and Good Support Kris!!!! YAYYYYY! Sizzle did SO GOOD woo Reserve National Champion Amazing! :new_shocked:
I'm glad you had a good time! I saw you twice but you were busy and I don't like introducing myself haha.

Am I the only one who admired/had a crush on Corey Hatfield the whole time?! haha.
HAHA, I love it Krissy! I can't wait until you get around to sending me pics from there...lol the sleeping ones, we'll were not sleeping but that's ok...

Jess, if you saw Kris you probably saw me, you should have come and introduce yourself. We were never too busy or preoccupied to meet people...if we looked it, it was probably just us running around like chickens with our heads cut off...that or a blonde moment, either is entirely possible! LOL the funny thing about those pics is that when we were taking them Corey's sister Megan (who I'm also good friends with..and Kris too) walked up and was like What are you guys doing? and she started laughing and called Corey in the centre ring as we were taking them to tell him what we were doing, he laughed and told us to give it a hug, so we also have a pic of us hugging the life size picture....my favorite one though is of Kris and it, with her being herself...enough said lol :p

You and Steph are just too much fun!!! I had a blast talking with y'all! I swear.... next year I will be there with you in front of those life size posters..... LOL.... I cannot believe that I missed out on all of that fun!!

BTW..... I love Steph's jacket...... where did she get it???
: LOL.... jk... It looked perfect with Sizzle!!! He is just STUNNING!!!!

Liberty evening was sooo much fun!!! I enjoyed watching the Flamingos and joining in on all the fun! I enjoyed meeting a bunch of new people and some forum members(Pam - Justanothercowgirl, Kris, and Aubrey) Wish I could have met more!!!

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LOL, I know eh? Kris and we never even got around to hog tying you and dragging you in front of Lee's Tiki Bar for a pic...the shame lol.. Next Year for sure!!

Why thanks for the comment on the jacket (and Siz), I'm not sure were I found it some hobo turned up and lent it to me...ya, ya that's it that's why it was so dirty..it was the hobos. I love that jacket! Thanks again and sorry, I'll have to keep the hobos under control next time I wear show clothes, so they don't mess it all up.
Lol Steph!

I think they put the fencing around his poster because of you!

If you guys go to Area 1 I will be there and we can meet.

Your right about Liberty night, it was tons of fun. It was crazy.

Also Kristina what happened to that black dress or whatever that thing was that i was lucky enough to see you in on Liberty night. I wish i would have had my camera for that. LOL

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LOL, funny you mention that Jess...Kris and I were laughing about the same thing the next day when we saw they put it up.

whoa whoa back up a sec Aubrey....Kris what's this black dress I missed you in?
um.... What Black dress??? I think that you are imagining things........ It was actually a pant-suit(LOL) I went and threw it into a fire after I tried it on..... Its a long story.....

Next year we will get those pics Steph.... I can't wait!

And those Hobo's.... so Generous!!! LOL.... jk.... I dont mind at all..... I am glad that I was able to help you out with your jacket situation!
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LOL, you'll have to pm me this story. I'm not sure how I missed the burning of the mysterious Black Dress/pant-suit.

LOL I know eh aren't they?!... it defiantly was a situation! LOL Thanks again, I think it was the jacket that won me the Reserve National Champion with Siz
What do you mean you threw it into a fire? That was the funniest thing i have ever seen. Well i guess now i will be the only person who got to see it. I will never be able to forget Liberty Night.
Too bad we couldnt meet Aubrey...I think I saw you a couple times too...I thought someone said it was you...but we'll meet next time..haha.

Jess! Im so sorry that we looked busy...you should of came and bugged us anyways..haha. I was looking for you...but your stalls were empty...so you either left or havent arrived yet. So I missed out
...next time!

LOL...yes the fence was definately put up because of us! No doubt. haha.

Kristina!! I need to hear this story! Sounds entertaining!! :lol:

Miss you all!


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