pictures of our 2011 foals

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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The smokey black filly is sired by Fallen Ash Scouts Twinkle Toes who is owned by Reece Family miniatures. She is out of my palomino mare LSM Silken Gold. This filly has been friendly from the day she was born. I know it is kinda hard to tell with all the sun bleached hair that really needs to be clipped but she is really refined. We named this filly Tar baby...

The palomino pinto filly is sired by my stallion LM Idols Rockstar and out of a sorrel Gold melody boy/orion light bred mare. Melody has a lovely tail flagging trot and can really move nicely. She is also Rocky's first filly and I couldnt be more pleased.. Hard to see her markings now..She was alot darker at birth...

These are my little girls..I am very proud of both of them..We elected to not breed any of our mares for next year..Taking time off so to speak...I hope you enjoy them as much as we do..Thanks for looking !!!




love them! I want the Palomino filly
Thankyou everyone !!! We appreciate it...Everyone has had such lovely foals this year...We have had so much going on so havent really shared as many pictures as I would have liked...
Thankyou everyone !!! I really need to get them clipped off and take new pictures....Tar Baby looks kinda funny with her brownish tan long fur over her black...Poor Melody is so sunbleached you cant see her markings..sigh I love them both though...
Little cuties both of them are beautiful..if mine turns out half as gorgeous i will be over the moon
Thankyou Everyone.. They always look better to me in person than they do with my lousy picture taking.

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