I'm with Albahurst. If you can get paper shavings you will never use anything else again.
I tried it all -
Sawdust - Labor intensive, hard to store, not very absorbent. Dusty. Least expensive. Hard to use at shows. Doesn't control odor much. Not sure on pricing
Shavings - look nice, easier to put handle, but pretty much useless in the way of absorption or odor control. Does smell good to me when I put it down, nice piney scent. Easy to use at shows but very ineffective. Expensive - 2 bags per stall at shows and not much coverage. $6-8 bag
Corn Pellets - somewhat effective but dusty. Not much odor control. Horses like to nibble. Expensive needed to use 4-6 bags per stall and directions state to strip stalls after about a month (I think). $5 - 7/bag
Wood pellets - Less effective than corn pellets. VERY VERY DUSTY. Always had scum on top of the water pails. Somewhat effective. I also left them whole and found them to absorb more that way. Never understood why you would need to WET something that you wanted to be absorbent????? Expensive - 6-8 bags per stall and strip stalls in 4-6 weeks. Doesn't absorb odor much. It and corn pellets break down into something resembling sawdust, so very labor intensive to strip out. ($5-7 per bag)
Straw - fairly inexpensive but very labor intensive to clean out. Somewhat absorbent, but once wet stays wet.
Paper Shavings - LOVE THEM ! ONE bag per stall at shows. My stalls are 8 x 8. I use 1/4 to 1/2 bag per stall. My stalls are either attached to runs or the horse is only in at night. Basically Im' lazy and don't pick stalls every day. I strip the stalls about every 10 - 14 days or so and there is NO odor, and NO lingering wetness or soaked spots. no ammonia smell in the barn. Usually about a wheelbarrow load per stall when stripping out. What impressed me the most was ZERO DUST! No dust on the water pails, no scummy water, no water on the stall walls, no dust on the horses!!!!!
:yeah I hated emptying pails every day because they were dirty from the bedding, scummy, and just nasty.
I used one bag in my trailer the entire show season. I did pick out the manure and bigger wet spots (hauling 4-6 horses at a time) and fluffed up the balance. Even after being closed up after nationals and I finally remembered that I hadn't cleaned the trailer, I opened it and it didn't smell at all. The shavings and the mats were dry.
$6-8 a bag.
I was a dealer, but just didnt' have time to do it properly so gave up the distributorship, but I certainly still use it and love it.