Plastic forks, Oreo Cookies, Excederin, and CD's

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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They are ALL things that my dog tore up last night!! I'm so mad I could spit bullets at her. She's 16 months old and she does this crap almost every night. I sleep like a rock, so it doesn't wake me up when she does it. I just wake up in the morning to a disaster of a house. I don't understand, she's got toys, things to chew on, and love. But she still does it. It doesn't matter if she's in the crate all day (if I'm not home) or if she's loose in the house all day, she still destroys everything she can get her mouth on. I don't even want to count how many cans of FISH FOOD she's tore up :nono:

I wish there was a way that I could tell her that if she didn't stop this mess, she'd be finding herself a new home. She's getting spayed in April, maybe she'll think I up and left her and rethink her horrid ways

I love having her as a house dog, but she's driving me crazy. She chewed up my husband's cell phone, the day that he got it! And it was high up on the kitchen counter

Oh, I can't leave her in the crate at night. She screams like a banshee and we like our sleep.

I guess I was just needing to vent. BTW, she didn't eat the cookies (or the excederin), she just likes to tear things out of the package and string them all over the house :new_let_it_all_out:

Do you have a second bathroom or spare room at the far end of your house from your own room?

If so, try puting her in there and fill it with her toys, food, and water.....maybe even leave a radio on for her as well.

We used to crate our dogs as pups, then one preferred the spare bathroom and it worked almost the same way but gave her more room.


PS: You said that she does this at night? What about during the day?
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Also you can try crating her and putting a blanket over her crate to make it feel more secure and more like a den. Sounds like your girl needs lots and lots of activity time to stimulate her brain. A tired puppy is a good puppy.
: Have you tried taking her for walks during the day, leash training her (I don't just mean walking her with her in front and you behind) but heeling exercises with sits and stays etc.... Try putting a leash on her during the day and keeping her with you so when she gets in trouble you can gently give her a tug and redirect whatever she's doing wrong to one of her toys. Even at 16 months old she's still a baby. And babies get into everything. I know that with my pups, from day one we are joined at the's non-stop like having a baby/toddler in the house. Constantly watching, teaching wrong from right, playing and goes on until she either takes a nap during the day, :aktion033: or we call it a night and she's so tired she automatically goes in her crate for some Zzz's. I know how frustrating it can be, don't give up on her tho, she's only a baby. Just plan more activities with her and especially at night to make her nice and tired so she can sleep soundly.
You said that she does this at night? What about during the day?
She will do it during the day, if I'm not home to watch her or if I take a nap. If I'm home and awake, she's a perfect angel. I have to crate her during the day if I go anywhere and don't take her with me. Once I get my car fixed, she'll be able to go more places with me. Right now I just have my little Ford Ranger and there's no room for her if I'm not by myself.

Also you can try crating her and putting a blanket over her crate to make it feel more secure and more like a den.
Sterling, I just had to giggle at this. She'd rip that blanket through the bars and have it shredded in no time, LOL. I've tried everything except for crating her at night and I don't do that because a lot of times I'm not home during the day so she's crated a lot as it is. I do try to play with her as much as possible because I thought that was the problem. Nope, she still does it. Maybe I'm not playing/working her enough?

Oh, a few more of her quirks. I have to keep her water in a glass dish. If it's in anything plastic (including automatic waterers), she dumps it out and tears up the dish. Her food is the same way. She loves to tear up water bottles and spray water all over the house. Leather and plastic are her absolute favorite things to tear up. I realize that she's still a pup and needs to learn what's right and what's wrong, but I've never had a pup that was this bad. I don't want to give up on her, I just want her to stop tearing up everything that I own
Our female ate half a pare of glasses...something plastic...a cushion...paper...anything that she could reach. So she and the male were put back in their crates when no one was around.

But now we block them in the TV room and make sure anything they see as "edible" is out of the room. So far so good...I think they grew out of it though, I don't think they're teething.

And they have all the toys in the world! Bones, stuffed toys, balls...

My pups are about 1 1/2 years old now.
Do you ever watch the Dog Whisperer?? His name is Caesar Milan...on the Animal Planet. He's AWESOME. They had a dog with the exact problem your little one has. Chewing & eating anything and everything.

Casear said it was simple...that you need to redirect his energy. On the show, he simply started taking the dog on 2-3 walks a day (small, 20 minute brisk walks). He did several other exercises with this dog, and it truly helped.

I think you can still catch re-runs, or go to the animal planet website & order Caesar's book! Good luck!!
this dog needs to be crated. Best for the dog and best for you. The dog will benefit by having its own secure place and will go into the crate by choice in a very short time. You will benefit by , not having to keep replacing articals everytime you turn around. It much easier to love an animal you are not angry with. Crates are relativly cheap and both of you will benefit from owning one.
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:new_shocked: Boy have I been there. Have Bonnie talk with her if you want her to understand. I had a mix with both doxie and terrion in him do that he finally out grew that behavior about age 4 years but he did stop finally.

They are ALL things that my dog tore up last night!! I'm so mad I could spit bullets at her. She's 16 months old and she does this crap almost every night. I sleep like a rock, so it doesn't wake me up when she does it. I just wake up in the morning to a disaster of a house. I don't understand, she's got toys, things to chew on, and love. But she still does it. It doesn't matter if she's in the crate all day (if I'm not home) or if she's loose in the house all day, she still destroys everything she can get her mouth on. I don't even want to count how many cans of FISH FOOD she's tore up :nono:

I wish there was a way that I could tell her that if she didn't stop this mess, she'd be finding herself a new home. She's getting spayed in April, maybe she'll think I up and left her and rethink her horrid ways

I love having her as a house dog, but she's driving me crazy. She chewed up my husband's cell phone, the day that he got it! And it was high up on the kitchen counter

Oh, I can't leave her in the crate at night. She screams like a banshee and we like our sleep.

I guess I was just needing to vent. BTW, she didn't eat the cookies (or the excederin), she just likes to tear things out of the package and string them all over the house :new_let_it_all_out:
This dog is in need of some serious obedience training, a crate and LOTS of exercise!
Hmm.... all vaguely familliar.....



Honesty we have a couple right now that are like that. They are eating our house. We have to crate them. They have huskey in them too so believe me - THEY SCREAM. And if they are let out, they know that screaming works. Luca who you see here learned to deal for the most part. Hes naughty as all get out but I LOVE this dog. He is a riot! I would do a mix of the suggestions you are getting. I definately would not let this dog roam durring the night if that is what she is doing. I hear that you are gone a lot durring the day so walking the dog a lot may not be easy. Could you have a run installed to help out so you can go out and let your dog run around? I still need to do this...
Oh my gosh, Watcheye! Your Luca looks almost exactly like my Runt!

Can't you see the trouble-maker in her eyes? She's just waiting on me to go to bed!
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LOL is she as naughty as he is? She is a very cute girl and I like her expression.

Doesnt he look innocent here?


LOL, they look so sweet when they're babies, don't they? My Runt got very sick when she was a puppy and we nearly lost her. You'd think she'd be thankful

What adorable pictures!

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