Please add to your prayer list

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
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Straits Area Michigan
This is mt grand daughters boyfriend. They have know each other since age 10..then moved away and got back in touch and are now together..not yet engaged..she's off on Dec 30 to medical school and he leaves tomorrow or Monday (depending on weather) for his 2nd tour of Iraq..Don't get me started about that!

Like she said, I've waited all my life for this perfect guy and I can't bear to have him go..he plans to be a policeman when he finally gets out of Army..he's also presently yaking college classes.

He's the sweetest, kindest well grounded guy you can imagine..we were so thrilled they go together..

so please pray for him to stay safe and come back home..I believe he's to be right in Baghdad and I think

his job is a "scout" His name is Nick. (Nicholas)

I appreciate all the prayer help. He'll be there a year this time, Christmas 2008.Sorry picture so big I tried to make smaller.


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Aww, they look beautiful. I hope he comes back just fine...that has to be so difficult to wait it out.

What an adorable couple! Prayers that all goes as planned for the two of them!
Please tell Nick I said thank you for his sacrifice and his dedication to our country. Being deployed right before Christmas stinks! He will definitely be in my prayers as are all our servicemen and women.
Yes it is hard to see them go isn't it. Lets hope time flies and he is back home soon.
What a beautiful couple they make. Adding Nick to my prayers that he comes home safe and sound. Thank him for me, too, for his service and sacrifice to our country. Freedom really isn't free and I sincerely appreciate being able to go to sleep at night knowing our military is protecting us. God bless them all for what they do.

(Lisa, thank you to your son, Sam, and your family for your sacrifices, too. Adding Sam to my prayer list.)
Prayers and bows to him and the family!!!!!!!

My twin neice is doing her 2nd tour also.....
I hate that the tours are SO long now! When I was in the Air Force they weren't as long. I was thankful to never have been sent over there but September 11th happened the year that I joined so I was always scared I would be sent. I know what it feels like to be told to have your bags packed and ready but I can only imagine how it would feel to actually be going there (A SECOND TIME!!) I will be praying for them. They are so cute together and I wish them the best!
Cute couple. I'll keep Nick in my prayers. Thank him from my family, for serving our country.
Well, he's gone. It was so hard..not to whine but when one of mine is in pain, then I am too.


My dear grand daughter couldn't even talk on the phone she was crying so hard.

They had been told they(his mom and Jeyn) would be able to wait with them but they went to a warehouse type place and once they were given their weapons they couldn't see him anymore. He had to sit in there for 12 hrs to leave.



That's 12 hours they can't ever get back, nor can his mom.


All these blasted politicians! I'd like to see a freaking survey as to how many of THEIR kids are over there over and over again! Sending their young ones into harms way..we have buried four boys under 23 in our town of 5000! That's NOT a good ratio.


Anyway, my thought and prayers don't just go out because of Nick but to every single one of those people going over there unwanted ,(and that is from the horses mouth, they don't want the Americans over there!)

never knowing if this day is their last.


Moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandpas and grams, nieces and nephews..I am 66 and I can tell you we need to get out and do SOMETHING to get us out of the middle east! It's another Vietnam and a no-win situation..

OK done for now, but writing through my tears. This opinion is my own and I take total responsibility for it.


Our prayers are lifted for your Nick and all who are serving our country.

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