Please help me to say goodbye...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
Well, we have been dreading this day for a long time. It has been easier to not think about than to accept it. I made an appointment for early January to have Baylee put to sleep, and I cancelled it. Now, here we are, a mere month later, faced with the same thing, only this time, we are sure, and won't be turning back. :no:

For about the past year, Baylee has been losing muscle tone in her rear. It has progressively gotten worse, to where now all her muscle has atrophied, and all the muscle down the back of her legs feel like mush. She can barely walk, is very unstable on her legs and topples over sideways after about 5 steps. She falls over several times when trying to poop, cannot even lift her feet over the threshold coming through the door. She has no coordination in her legs at all.

I had Bonnie do a reading on her for me, and she told me about a stomach problem we were not aware of. Now, only days later, Baylee has given up on eating. Sunday and Monday she barely ate, if at all. She is laying around a lot more, and whining more. We feel it is her time. What kills me, is seeing the life she has left in her soul! I can only hope we are making the right decision and not taking her too soon.

So for any of you out there that are are able to "communicate" with the animals, please help me in saying farewell to our dear friend, and let her know how much we love her and have enjoyed her, even through her rotten childhood days and crazy ways!!
: And to everyone else, please think of her this afternoon, and send her good, peaceful thoughts and/or prayers as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

Here is Baylee with her BEST FRIEND, "Clyde", our Great Dane that was only 10 days older than Baylee. They grew up together, and were raraely away from each others side. We lost Clyde a few years back to Cancer, so I am thankful he will be waiting for her, and they will be together again.


And these are Baylee taken around the same time. All these pics were in around the 10 weeks of age time frame.


My, how's she aged in appearance, but I LOVE the look of an old greying dog. To me they look so distinguished!

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im so so sad.....illl be keeping you and baylee in my prayers......{{{hugs}}}}
God bless you for doing the right thing. She is really a beautiful and regal dog who obviously has touched you not only in the heart but in the soul.
Mona, I can't say anything that will make you feel any better about losing a beloved companion. Just know it is the right thing to do for her. I think we all know when it is the right time, but always have the feeling it may be too soon. Will be thinking of you today, and wish I could help make it easier.
: Farwell to a very nice gal.

She looks alot like the 12 week boxer puppy we kept.


here is your gal's look alike our boxer puppy

We know how hard is to make the decession of having your dog layed to rest. But I have had to do this several times to our old dogs because my husband just falls to peices and cries his heart is not easy but I remember the dog who was free of pain and ran, and I see a dog that is not this anymore. I call my vet tell them I am coming take my dog for a short ride in the car and go to the vets. I have gone in the room with the dog but this last time was very hard on me and we now have a old girl that is starting to go down hill. When the time comes I will stay out of the room and just take her body home to bury and remember all of our wonderful years together. It is not easy but think of how your dog is suffering and they do not deserve that because we can not say good bye.
Mona we're here for you too. I've been in your position not too long ago for the same reasons. Sometimes you just have to let them go even though you aren't ready. When I let mine go, she actually looked at me and said "thank you" just before she slipped away.

There's a shoulder here for you if you need it.

{{{{{hugs}}}}} Baylee spells her name the same way.
Awww, Mona, this is SO hard, but the reason it is is because you love her and you're doing it for her not so much you. Love isn't always easy, but it will flood back to comfort you as the grief slowly subsides.

I'm sorry for this.

I don't communicate with animals, and I don't pray, but I will think of your girl and you and wish for the comfort you deserve for doing something done with love and respect for her.


Liz M.
im so sorry mona. for sure though she knows how much you love her. Its so heartbreaking

I am so sorry to hear about Baylee... but you ARE doing the right thing. And she knows it, too...

Hold her and love her and tell her that you will be ok when she is gone... that it is time for her to join her friends at the Rainbow Bridge. That is what I told my love, Pokie, when I put her down... and she and I were looking at each other when she passed...
: I know she was at peace...

I'm here if you need anything, ok?

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
I know what you are going through Mona and I will be in the same position with Tracey one day too.

I know how your heart is breaking, I'm a professional at it and it's a horrible feeling.

I told Michael to watch out for Baylee so atleast you know that your faithful pal is going to be looked after real good in heaven.
Ohhhh Mona, myheart just breaks for you. Looking at little puppy Baylee and then seeing her in her golden years just brings me to tears. I know first hand how these awesome little Boxer clowns can find a way into your heart and it's so hard letting them go. Little Baylee will be in my thoughts and prayers as you will too, for peace and calm after you let her go. We all go throught this heartache....all of us who know and love animals. It just never gets any easier.
I know we have talked about this and you know what I have been through this past year. It wasn't easy but we seem to know when it's the right time to let go. When my 17 year old JR girl quit eating I knew it was time. Although it was horrible and I was sick inside a certain calmness came over me knowing that I did the right thing for the dog. And that is what matters. I know how you feel and my heart goes out to you.

Mona, Im so sorry it is time for your sake but not for Bailey....she is tired and ready to go. She knows you love her there is no question. She would stay to make you happy but she is really ready. I dont know when you took that last pic of her old self but her eyes are saying it all. For Bailey it isnt goodbye, its "See ya later" there is never goodbye for fuzzy soulmates.

Mona, Baylee may well not be quite ready yet, herself, and that is what makes it so very hard for you because the time has come, whether she is ready or not, you cannot go on like this, and I know you know that.

So , you are doing the right thing and Baylee will understand.

It is time to let her go.

I shall be thinking of you.

she knows how much you love her and that you are doing what is best for her. You have shown her that every single day of her life.

I know I always bring this up but it is something my grandmother used to say and it is so very true... "in the end we have to make the hard choice to say goodbye. In doing so we take their pain and make it our own so that they can have peace. " You have made the hard choice, and now you will cry and grieve, so that she can be free of pain and sorrow.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this, knowing that we all have to deal with it at one time or another doesn;t make it any easier. I'll remember you and your family in my prayers.
I am sorry you are going through this. One thing I will suggest if you can is to be with her when she goes. I will never forgive myself for not being there when I had one of my dogs put down, I had my husband take him because I could not bare to go and actually be there when it happened.......Now I regret not being there to comfort him and tell him how much I loved him. At the time I thought it was better not to be there but I regret that decision. He was not alone as my husband was there, but it wasn't the same. :no:
Oh Mona, I'm so sorry. That is one of the most difficult decisions to make but it sure sounds like Baylee is at the point that not putting her to sleep would be cruel. It's nice to know she has a friend waiting for her over the Rainbow bridge! I'll be thinking of you both this afternoon. If we didn't love them so much it wouldn't be so hard and we wouldn't be the people that we are......and they feel that love.
Blessings to you and yours in this time of great sadness. So sorry you are losing your dear and beautiful friend. Our prayers are lifted for her.

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