Thank you to those who have started to donate. If you can send $1 $2 $5 and on up it is reallyThank you all, the donations are starting to come in, but the rescue minis are coming in faster. Lately it seems we are getting a lot of "Give-Ups". Minis and such that are in good health and people are looking for good homes. Right. These healthy "Give Ups" are all requiring extensive Vet and Dentristy care. We are getting to the point that if they keep coming in like they are now, in about a months time we will have to say "I'm Sorry, but we just can't afford it". Please don't make us ever have to say something like that. I'm begging here please help. I have two of the rescues at my place. The stallion is maybe 30" tall and probably weighs 100lbs, if that. Found out today (by inspection) that he is a crypt. and will need surgery to get gelded which we can't do till he gets some weight on him. The tiny black mare that came with him is visibably pregnant by him, she's all belly. And so it goes.....!
Pleae help.
needed by these guys. We are in a horrible situation right now. As Ginny StP says the give ups
are at a record pace.
Thank you again! Please know your money will go to a very needy horses care. All monies go to the
horses, feed, vet care, farrier and transport. As Ginny says we now have a small mare pregnant at a very
young age and the stallion that needs crypt surgery. Mouses surgery for the hernia is scheduled
for the 1st week in August. Kay has one of the rescues that has a very bad tooth inpaction. She is
I believe scheduled for this week with the dentist.
Kay will be on later about the give up to her that she's picking up this am.... It is a never ending
situation that we are trying deal with the reserves we have left With the wonderful help of
you our forum friends I know we can do it
[SIZE=14pt]THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!![/SIZE]