@Abby P I will be using both my van and trailer. My plan is to use my van for day trips and then to use my little trailer for overnight camping trips. My trailer is working out perfectly! I really love it! It hauls nicely, no issues.… But the fastest I go is only 70 mph on the interstate when hauling horses. I’m a very cautious driver when I have precious cargo in the back
I think it is pretty stable, the ponies hop right in, so it must not be too terrible of a ride for them.…but they do have alfalfa hay waiting for them once inside
I was a little worried about the horses in the trailer a few weeks back. I hauled them in the heat of the day (stupid!) about 2pm, it was 110 here that day, it was a scorcher! When the trailers back door is closed, it seals tight, so I was worried about airflow. I did have the two side windows open in the trailer. When I got home an hour later both ponies were absolutely fine! No heavy breathing, neither were sweating, no flaring nostrils, no sign of heat stress, they both were happy eating their hay. Luckily I didn’t hit any traffic either.
I will say the little trailer is so much easier to hook up than my old horse trailer (when I had it). That trailer was kind of a production. I had a back up camera, but still could be a little challenge. With this little trailer hubby can just lift it on the hitch, easy peasy. He is able to man handle the trailer and push it around wherever he wants it. And it is so small we can fit it in one of our garages so it is out of the way.
When I went to the beach a while back, I used the trailer as an overnight stall. Breezy is small and he was even able to lay down. I left the door open and put up the stall guard. Worked out perfectly!
When I went on another camping trip, they were calling for heavy rain and thunderstorms, so again I used the trailer as a stall and I locked both ponies inside for a couple of hours. I don’t know about yours, but my boys will melt if they get wet

No issues with my little trailer at all, it is going strong! Glad we put the windows in for airflow and also glad we got the bigger tires.