Quentin Waltz
Hi there, just in case you're thinking of buying a Ponyo Rug, here's my experience. Firstly, take note that the only reviews they appears to publish on their website are the 5 star reviews! Surely not every customer is so delighted with their products. I know I'm not!
I bought my pony one of their fly rugs and here is my (unpublished, ha!) review.
I had high hopes for pretty Ponyo rugs but this is a high price/ poor quality product which has lasted a total of 3 weeks before falling apart (photo is of the velcro detaching from the neck cover). I've used the rug on my pony lightly, not every day and not at night and she's not been rough with it at all. I contacted customer services and requested a refund or exchange but this was refused because apparently they expect the rug to disintegrate after only 3 weeks(!) and Ponyo see this as expected wear and tear. I was offered £10 to pay for repair which is totally inadequate. Also, I've seen mosquitoes feeding on my pony through the mesh holes so it doesn't appear to work anyway. I'm now going go elsewhere to buy a quality product that works from a company with customer service skills.

I bought my pony one of their fly rugs and here is my (unpublished, ha!) review.
I had high hopes for pretty Ponyo rugs but this is a high price/ poor quality product which has lasted a total of 3 weeks before falling apart (photo is of the velcro detaching from the neck cover). I've used the rug on my pony lightly, not every day and not at night and she's not been rough with it at all. I contacted customer services and requested a refund or exchange but this was refused because apparently they expect the rug to disintegrate after only 3 weeks(!) and Ponyo see this as expected wear and tear. I was offered £10 to pay for repair which is totally inadequate. Also, I've seen mosquitoes feeding on my pony through the mesh holes so it doesn't appear to work anyway. I'm now going go elsewhere to buy a quality product that works from a company with customer service skills.