Debby - LB
Admin / Mod
This topic is for miniature horse talk members to list photos and short text about the handmade art and craft items they offer for sale.
Please read:
List items that you personally make and offer for sale. Don't mention price, terms, options, taking orders, shipping, availability etc. in your post. If you have many items, limit the photos and combine items into one reply here only. NO links to sales or photo sites within your posts.
Please post no questions about the listed items here -contact the seller directly.
Those interested can make contact via private message or email ONLY (not on this topic) by using the members profile - so make sure your contact information within your profile is correct. please don't put contact information in your post. Thank you for reading and obeying these rules.
Please read:
List items that you personally make and offer for sale. Don't mention price, terms, options, taking orders, shipping, availability etc. in your post. If you have many items, limit the photos and combine items into one reply here only. NO links to sales or photo sites within your posts.
Please post no questions about the listed items here -contact the seller directly.
Those interested can make contact via private message or email ONLY (not on this topic) by using the members profile - so make sure your contact information within your profile is correct. please don't put contact information in your post. Thank you for reading and obeying these rules.

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