prayers and good thoughts, please

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Norco, CA
I've a history of kidney stones, and sot of thoought i was fighting one - saw the dr about several things on Tuesday - they took blood and urine, gave me some new stuff for my asthma, and a big ol' steroid shot and sent me home - I heard nothing, so assumed all was fine. Did a big housecleaning on thursday, and Friday my folks came out to help me start organizing the garage for storing thing better. I felt sore and awful and did mostly sorting things by sittiing in a beanbag chair while my folks did the major moving and tossing -- we more than filled 2 dumpsters as well as all our empty trashcans - all the time i'm thinking what a wimp I am for being that sore for one days work in the house!

By the time we got done I was having trouble walking and keeping my eyes open - came in and got in my PJs and took a nap 'cause Iwas also freezing.

When I woke up I took my temp (normal for me is 97ish) and it was 102.4... took and at-home UTI test and the results were off the scale!

Called the Dr's office and actually had a Dr on call return our call - I begged him not to make me go to urgent care or the ER - so he prescribed some antibiotics... I feel a little better, but all yucky and sore.

They say how you begin the new year is how your year will go - PLEASE, I don't want to spend 2006 in this kind of pain - I dont want any more UTI's or stones!

Please add me to your prayers and good thoughts I need all the help I can get!
Take care
I will gladly say a prayer for you. Things will get better!

Happy New Year and Health, Happiness always!!
Prayers and (((Hugs))) going out to you, and hoping you will feel much better...and have a healthy new year. Corinne
Oh dear, having had stones 3 times previous I know the pain. Drink my dear, drink alot of anything. Insist on something for pain if needed. You have my prayers.
Aww I'm so sorry. What an awful combo to have. Yep lots of liquid as Deb said and if your doc didn't prescribe some, get some pyridium, marketed under a variety of names like Uristat. It's over the counter stuff now so you can get it at any pharmacy. It's a great bladder specific analgesic and provides almost immediate relief from the UTI with it. Lovely orange color in the toliet bowl when you pee but it works great!

As for the stones, only a good old narcotic like hydrocodone or oxycodone does the trick for me.
Fever's down, but I'm still really sore and tired
... thanks Triggy for the reminder about the uristat - I had some, so took it and it helped me sleep - I think I'm going to head back in for another nap shortly.

thanks for the good thoughts - please keep them coming - a good friend who is an ICU nurse is very worried about my kidney functions now. I may have to go see the Dr again if this isn't significantly better after tomorrow.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so badly. Hope it gets better soon. I prefer to look at things like this a getting the bad out of the way early in the year so the rest of the year goes smoothly. Hope the rest of your year is totally pain free.

I will add you to my prayers.

I hope you are feeling better soon. UTI's are no fun. I've never had kidney stones but understand they are quite painful, I'm sorry you are going through this.

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