Prayers dad

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Bless your heart. I will pray for your family. My dad too was a diabetic, and had heart disease, and many Dr's told my Dad that he didn't have very long to live. But boy did he prove them wrong. He lived another 11 yrs. But my Dad knew all along what was going on. I don't think they could have hide that from him. I sure hope that your Dad does the same.

I surely wouldn't advice you or your family one way or another to tell your Dad, that is your family decision. But I will keep you guys in my prayers.

Lara and David
Wow, life just plain isnt fair at times :no: Hope everything turns out ok and this can be controlled. Having had a silent heart attack, no damgae TG, I know what you are dealing with.

Side note. I'm quite suprised that with the information acts and privacy laws, this Dr didnt have to tell your father. Usually its the other way around, Drs have to get written permission to tell family members. I know I would be furious beyond words and a legal battle would ensue if a Dr ever withheld any of my personal info from me.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I am sorry that you are having to go through this at such a young age, and I am sorry that your Dad is having to go through this, it isn't pleasant to feel the things that he is likely feeling due to his condition. Enjoy every day that you have with him and try to focus on what you CAN do together. Love him and be loved by him, that is, afterall, is what matters the most and what you will cherish most later on. I know that it's hard living with a "secret" but sometimes people that don't know that secret will last longer, just because they don't know that they're supposed to give up.

I will keep you in my thoughts.


I'm very sorry to hear about your dad and know this is a hard time for you. You will be in my thoughts.

Nobody gets out of life alive. We are all terminal at some point in our lives so we need to make the most of the life we have while we have it. I don't agree with not telling your dad all the facts so he has all the information to make the life decisions he needs to make. He may very well live longer than what the doctor predicted and it may be the decisions he makes that make that possible. If the news depresses him then my opinion is better living through pharmacology, go on antidepressants. He just may surprise you and your mom and rise above it and to what he needs to do to live longer. That is his choice and his right to make his decicions based on the information given to him.

His medical condition may sound bad but he isn't dead yet. None of us know when we are going to die and an accident may take us out at any minute so we need to live in the moment and make the most of the time we can control. Make sure the people you love know it. Live your life with no regrets so you never have to say I wish I had done things differently. Make each moment count.
Tell him that you love him every day.

Give him hugs often and be sure that he knows how much you have appreicated him.

Do what you can to help him in his chores to help lighten his load.

Just love him and love him the best you ever could.
I too am very, very surprised that a Doctor could tell your Mother, and not tell your Father. I would have thought this was illegal just about everywhere.

When my Father was dying, actually lying in bed dying, the Doctor still informed him.

Luckily he did not really understand, but the Doctor was legally required to tell him before he told was allowed to tell the the Family.

My heart goes out to you and your Mother. My Mothers doctor told my brother, sister, and

I before he told my mother or father. He felt that we as siblings could help my parents deal

with my mothers death as a group. For our family it was the right thing. However, I feel very

strongly that your Father should know. Possibly there are things that need to be said between

you and your Father and between your parents. It would be a shame to lose that time.

My Mother and I had some of the most memorable conversations while she was still able to

communicate. She told me of her hopes and dreams for all of us after she was gone. She had

these conversations with my brother and I one on one and I still remember them 30 years later.

It was hard and I still miss her to this day! I treasure the time I had with her.

I pray God keep you all in his loving hands as you go thru this time.
I cannot thank you all enouph.

I'm pretty sure he knows he has very little time left. He knows everything pretty much about his heart and he knows he doesnt have long left. But i think he thinks he had a couple years left, he might. I hope he does. My mom and i agreed to tell him sometime this week or as soon as possible. We talked about it this morning, and decided it was for the best. My mom just didnt want the stress to get to him of worrying about everything. He knows everything, but he doesnt know that at any minute his heart could give out. I could understand why the doctor went to my mom first about that.

It's so weird, normally the little things that we would argue over, i dont waist time with. I dont want to fight with him over the stupid little things or anything for that matter. I'ts good in a way i think, but hard.

I wouldnt be suprised if dad fights this ...he's gotten out of so much in his life that should have killed him. He was in 2 big Coal Mining accidents when he lived down in KY, 3 big semi accidents, Rolled his car down a hill in KY, broken just about every limb in his body i'd say, cut off god knows how many toes/fingers by accident and and did so many crazy things when he was young. I think he will pull through this heart condition.

Thank you guys so much, it means more then you could imagine.
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. (((((HUGS)))))

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