Pregnancy Question- Anybody ever have Preeclampsia?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I had my 33 week appointment today. While my blood pressure is fine, I am showing some signs of preeclampsia. Cramping, pressure, headaches and some nausea. Waiting on the protein test results to know more. The doc didn’t seem to concerned because my blood pressure is good, weight is good (only 7 pounds gained to this point) and I don’t have any excess swelling. In my gut I think everything is fine but at the same time can’t help but worry.
I did near the end of my first pregnancy...was ordered by doctor to stay off my feet with my legs elevated or I would have to be put in the hospital on complete bed rest. I didn't want that, so I stopped eating salt, and kept my feet elevated etc., as per his instruction. My feet and ankles were so swollen they looked like I had casts on when I wore white socks! You could push your finger down into my ankle area and the deep dent would stay there a fair while before it came back out all the way. That's all I remember. So whatever you do, make sure you follow docs orders!
She didnt really tell me anything to do at this time, waiting on the test results. I am hoping its just that I am a touch dehydrated. I have been pushing the water the best I can since I got home last night. Thats a feat for me. I dont drink alot of liquid normally. I have increased it but apparently not enough. I woke up withe killer headach that I went to bed with but after taking down 2 and half glasses of water it went away.

Im not really swollen either at this point. As I say, thank god I dont have the pig face. I dont mind being preggo, but dont at all like the preggo look. Maybe if I was skinny before I got preggo.
Very similar to Mona. I had a severe case of toxiemia at around 7 months with baby #1. Dehydrated and swelled up in the ankles like you cannot believe, nausia, horrible headaches, very weak etc. everything. Dr. slammed me in the hospital for 2 days with IV and legs elevated and I was on complete bed rest for a while. I was also a very high risk so they said because I was 36. Same think with baby #2 at age 38. Had 2 C-sections.
OOPS! Looks like maybe I messed up. After reading Marty's post, I realize that what I had was Toxemia, not the preeclampsia. Sorry about that!
PLEASE be careful and do what the Dr. says !!! I know a lady that almost died from it hers was so bad.
Yes, I did. I was at 39 weeks though so my midwives decided I should be induced. I ended up going into labor on my own shortly after being admitted but it was a scary time as my blood pressure DID skyrocket which puts the mother at high risk for stroke. If your headache gets suddenly worse get yourself to a hospital pronto, do NOT wait it out for any length of time!
I had it with my second child late in the pregnancy. They induced me the next day. Went on to child number 3 and it had no issues.
I had preeclampsia with my third child. I had a rough pregnancy.I was pregnant with twin girls. At 19 weekss one baby had no heart beat. We lost her but had to carry them until i deliver then at 34 weeks they had to induce and take Alexis due to my blood pressure. That was a rough time for us but now she is 6 yrs old happy little girl!
I have never had it with any of my pregnancies, but was just writing to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and hope your test results were normal.

The test came back fine. However I am still noting any signs that I have. Better safe then sorry.

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