Pregnancy update

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I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER and I am so ready to have this baby!

Okay, so we're not totally ready. I finally got the "nursery" cleaned out this past weekend and got the first six months worth of clothes washed, folded and put away. I also washed all the bedding and that kind of stuff. I have a knitting project and a few sewing projects to do before she arrives, whenever she decides that will be - I'm hoping it will be sooner rather than later! I get the feeling my doctor thinks I'm going to go early, though he's never declared that aloud.

We have absolutely everything purchased that we're not getting second hand (getting a crib and breast pump etc. from hubby's brother and his wife), so we're good that way. However, we haven't moved the double bed out of the nursery, nor have we put together the change table that we got for Christmas.

I am stocking up on the essentials - garbage bags, toilet paper, etc. so I don't have to run out for something silly after the baby comes.

I have been feeling pretty good lately, but I definitely tire easily and my feet really hurt if I'm on them too much. Heartburn is a b!tch if I don't watch what I eat.

I am done work February 17, but my workload will be considerably less for the next few weeks. Our new reporter is supposed to start February 1, so after that, I will mainly be at work in a supervisory/teaching capacity. I won't be working weekends or covering any evening events, that's for sure!

We're getting new carpet for the basement February 3 and hubby has a few small projects he wants to finish before the baby arrives. Not to mention, we still need to put up blinds in the master bedroom and nursery - the two rooms the baby will be sleeping in for the first while!

Other than that, life is good - even though I resemble a penguin when I walk and a whale when I lie down. Can't win!
Now what did I tell you about those feet?

You have to keep them UP young lady.

Or the baby will slide out of there too early :517: :517: :517:

all this waiting is making me a nervous wreck.

Oh, do you have like a little cradle that you can keep the baby by your bed at first ?

That would be a good thing.

OH I just can't stand this waiting.

What's her name?
Yep, we have a bassinet (another great hand me down) to use until she's too big for it.

We sort of have a name picked out, but I'm thinking we're apt to change it when we see her, so I'm not telling.
No worries, though, we're not going to give her some wierd name. Nice and normal and conventional.
If you don't have one , get a swing or glider that you can put the baby in and wind up. It will save your sanity!!

boy do i remember how miserable that last month can be! I thought my last child would never arrive lol. The one thing that really got to me was not being able to sleep on my tummy. Wishing you a FAST and SAFE delivery
Well, maybe for you the time's dragging, but for me it's flying by! I think it was just last week you said you were pregnant! *LOL*

How exciting!!!

I will have to go look and see what she needs cuz I don't often get to buy stuff in pink. Hahah.

Take it easy and enjoy yourself when you can b/c it will be all about "her" soon enough.

Thanks for the update, she's gonna be a beauty, but I can hardly wait to see her!

It is so funny that when you are the one personally pregnant it feels like you've been pregnant forever and you are never going to have the baby BUT when OTHER people are pregnant it seems as though time flies.

All of our kids have spent the first few months in our room next to the bed in a bassinet, so the "nursery" was barely used.

I did find a wonderful new product that babies love that you might want to check out...

a little cradle/hammock thingy that makes them feel like they are cradled in your arms.

A friend of mine that is Swedish and grew up in Sweden told me about it. Very popular there.

Amby Baby
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You're probably reading everyone's posts with advice and anecdotes and just rolling your eyes.......

And I'm reading them and nodding my head and smiling! :lol:

I'd LOVE to know when YOU find yourself saying for the first time, "Just wait! You will understand when you have a child of your OWN...."

(BTW, I agree about the bassinet next to the bed AND investing in a little swing thing......
: )

I just got done reading about the Amby Baby hammock. All I want to know is if they come in adult size. :lol:

[SIZE=14pt]AWWWWWW Jenn, Youre nesting!!!! Cant wait to see our new forum baby![/SIZE]

I don't think of it so much as nesting as just getting what needs to be done finished! Hubby is actually nesting more than I am, I don't think I've ever seen him this productive before!

The Amby Baby thing looks cool, I've got it bookmarked. Sounds like the thing my SIL needed for her cranky/colicky baby two years ago ... too bad I didn't know about it then!

I don't have a swing - I'm holding out to see if we'll really need one - but I did buy one of those vibrating bouncy chairs.

I got three bags of hand-me-down baby clothes from a gal I barely know today. I used to chat with her when I saw her at the drugstore, but never considered her to be a close friend. People are so awesome when it comes to having babies!
:bgrin I do believe you are nesting (which is your last big surge of energy until the big day!) I was lucky all 4 of mine either came on their due date or early I never had the anxiety of waiting... We too used the bed side bassinet and the swing was the best (trust me it is one of the things you NEED - but may be that vibrating chair serves the same purpose - I didn't have one of those...) My guys also loved the bouncy seat thing you hang in the door jamb.

Can't wait to here when you are heading in to have her!
I've just got to ask you Jenn, do you have any mares at your place and are they staring :new_shocked: :bgrin Turn about's fair play you know
No mares, but about 75 heavily pregnant cows due about the same time I am!

That bouncy thing you hang in doorways is great once your little one can sit up or hold his/her head up.

Also, for children's clothes -- E-Bay is great. You can find groupings of quality (used) clothes cheap!

My swing saved my sanity, battery powered!

Good luck I hope you have a quick and smooth labor! Rest while you can..

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