Yankee Doodle Dandy
Well-Known Member
Hi, I posted this in the regular mini horse forum, but after I decided that I didn't think she was pregnant somebody said that she seems to be acting pregnant and that she could be, and told me to post it in here. So, here goes. ? Tuesday night, I came in the barn at around 8:45 to look at Ms. Angel because I was missing her. She was laying down, and didn't get up when I came in. I had only done showmanship that day, and it was rainy so she didn't go outside either, so she wasn't tired. She normally jumps up when I come in. It looked like her stomach was in pain. I had to force her up. She laid back down again after a few minutes, and then I had to force her back up again. She did this multiple times before I started walking her around. She was lethargic, slow and wanted to stop. I thought she was colicing. However, her gut WAS making sounds. I gave her some banamine and continued to check on her until about 2am, when I decided she was okay and I could go to sleep. The next morning, she was more alert, but she still laid down and made me force her up. We gave her another dose of banamine and that seemed to help her again and then the vet came out. The vet said she looked pregnant, and was acting kind of pregnant. She said she also could have been colicing. So, we ultrasounded her and the fluid that she was looking for in a pregnant mare did not show up, but she said if she was about ready to foal, the foal might of taken all the fluid she 2as looking for, or something like that. I messaged her owner, and she said she was bred last year, however she said she thought the last time they bred her was around April 29th, 2014 and that the vet blood tested her and said she wasn't pregnant. That's when I started to doubt her being pregnant, and thought she had coliced and she just had a bloated belly or a grass belly. I measured her stomach Wednesday, Thursday, and today, and she was at 50 1/2 - 51 inches each time. She is 34 inches tall, she is normally not this fat. She is kind of holding her tail up, and she did 'wink' earlier but she hasn't done it since so I could of caught her right after she peed. In the other forum, a lot of people said she looked pregnant, and seemed pregnant. However, she would be at about 390 days! So, I am doubtful, and that's why I'm posting here. Here are some pictures from today, she isn't poking out as much, but she still measures the same. I will post pictures in the comments from yesterday, and how she looks in show shape. I have been driving her every other day, and lunging her on the days she wasn't driving. She hasn't lost any weight, just gained. She gets 1/2 cup of grain, and a half flake of hay day and night. She eats grass every day for a few hours but she wears a muzzle. What do you think, fat or pregnant?
Forgot to add. she is very touchy about her lower stomach near the flanks today. If you touch it, she will pin her ears to her head or even lift her leg like she is going to kick me.
Also, ,my 32" in shape mini gelding is about 44" around his stomach, for comparison.
And also, sorry about the bad udder picture lol. I can get a better one if you want. It was really hard to try to take one! She doesn't have any udder development. Also, if she was pregnant, this would be her first foal.
Forgot to add. she is very touchy about her lower stomach near the flanks today. If you touch it, she will pin her ears to her head or even lift her leg like she is going to kick me.
Also, ,my 32" in shape mini gelding is about 44" around his stomach, for comparison.
And also, sorry about the bad udder picture lol. I can get a better one if you want. It was really hard to try to take one! She doesn't have any udder development. Also, if she was pregnant, this would be her first foal.