omg! You two might just get dubbed as being racist, dismissive, filled with vitriol, or if we want go retro in labeling you might just get called intolerant for not being cheerleaders for the destruction of your country, treating the Constitution like toilet paper, destroying the economy, obliterating the strength and morale of the military, and so forth and so on to the point that you have to wonder where does the madness end? Anyone not being a bleeding heart for open borders, destroying family, labeling Christians, patriots and vets as home grown terrorists yet calling Fort Hood workplace violence??????? It is madness!! Ok, excuse while I put a paper sack over my head and breathe. Ah yes breathe. In and out. In and out. All better. Ok, thank you two posters. It is re-assuring that there are others not among the living dead. Yes, you can thank the divider in chief and his minions for the latest that happened in Ferguson. It is due to misinformation, plain old ignorance, professional race bating, and planned divisiveness. And for all the Hillary supporters that believe that she truly just thought it would be simpler to post her "ah-hum" work business on a personal email account...NOBODY is that stupid. And did ya know if you work for the government you are required to take annual training on records keeping, protecting classified information, and so forth. Oh, my, where is that marching band for killing babies? Where are the champions of re-defining marriage? Why would anyone just want their MTV when they can have their MSN, their NPR, their alphabet TV stations, their Planned Parenthood, their Southern Poverty Law Center? And that crazy Alex Jones and his crew with all their millions of viewers are just a bunch of tin foil hat RWNJs don't you see as plain as the nose on your face? I bet that Michael Hastings fellow was just an unlucky fellow and a bad driver to boot! Oh, these adrenalin rushes just make me so tired. Good night all.