Proposed change

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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I was reading The World and noticed that there is a proposal to change the date of the annual meeting to the second weekend in November of each year.Wouldn't that be in conflict with AMHR Convention?How do people feel about that? I really wish both boards of the registries would realize that there are many people who are members of both and support both.Each registry has something to offer and one is often better than the other in different areas of the country.Let's go people.Less conflict&more working together to promote small equines.Wouldn't it be neat to have a summit meeting with members of both AMHA&AMHR sit down and discuss ways to get along and just promote Minis in genaral.I can dream can't I?
Perhaps if it is moved to before the 1st of the year changes to the rules can be implemented come Jan 1 instead of having to wait till the following year.
Until a relatively few years ago, the AMHA National Meeting WAS held late in the year(can look up exactly when, but late October to mid-November is what I seem to recall)....with a regretable lack of foresight(which I, sadly, feel has been repeated too often within the AMHA-JMO)...., the date was changed to the very time of year when travel conditions(weather!) are the MOST likely to interfere with widespread attendance--especially since there is a mandate for the location of the National meeting to rotate around the US-not to even MENTION the fact that so doing also slowed the process of any change to less than a crawl! Perhaps it was just the 'law of unintended consequences' at work, but it certainly did not 'make things better', in my considered opinion....NOW it is being 're-thought'? Well, better late than never.....I can't really address the issue of going to BOTH conventions, but I do think, there are good and compelling reasons to hold these kinds of gatherings, for these kinds of organizations, late in the year rather than early in the next...again, just my honest opinion.

Perhaps more thought than you think went into that date.

IF you can't win -- then divide & conquer -- old tactics-- not too admirable,

There is really NO NEED to have to use the same dates -- 52 weeks in a year.

Many of the same people are involved -- to make one choose usually will back fire.

AMHA is becoming less & less admirable .
This date change proposal has nothing to do with trying to compete with AMHR's dates. We have received a lot of complaints from members that they cannot come in February because they are watching mares and the weather causes travel problems.

So, in an effort to appease the MEMBERSHIP, the option to move the dates is to be voted on by the MEMBERS.

I for one am getting pretty tired of this bashing. If you understood the rule change process you would understand that this proposal came from the MEMBERS of the AMHA not, AMHA itself.

I too like the February date to allow a financial recovery from the Nationals and World shows, but if the majority of our membership wants it moved, so be it.
The mtg was changed to February so that the year end finacials would be available. The software is different now and it would allow the financial year to end and begin different than the calendar year. Another reason was to allow more people to attend. The people who work and do not own their own company can not take 10 days to a week in October and turn around and take time in November also. Most people have to builkd up vacation time and funds. A lot is spent getting to the national "World" show. It wasn't until the meeting was changed to February that I was able to attend it.

"Perhaps more thought than you think went into that date.

IF you can't win -- then divide & conquer -- old tactics-- not too admirable,

There is really NO NEED to have to use the same dates -- 52 weeks in a year.

Many of the same people are involved -- to make one choose usually will back fire.

AMHA is becoming less & less admirable ."

AMHA is a member driven organization. The more members that attend the better. It is the trainers who are slow in November and not trying to attend the R meeting. Since the A meeting have been changed to be held in a fair weather place most people who have been dragging feed through the snow really look forward to seeing the sun in February.
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I did not intend to sound as if I was bashing anything with my comment, just making a statement and I hope it was taken as such.

If you do both A & R and then the meetings it would be real hard to go to R in September, A in October, R annual meeting in November and then to A meeting. Once you get to far into November you are dealing with peoples holidays. Then if you wait to far into late winter early spring it is foaling and then we are in show season so you really do not have 52 weeks a year to make these meetings happen.

I for one plan on going to the A meeting this year as I am interested in several topics of discussion and will present my reasoning. If the majority feel different than I, than that is what will happen. I accept that as the way things are run.

I think a lot of people are feeling a little defensive right now with the uproar of the last week to 10 days and this will settle down eventually. When you are passionate about something it gets this way. I am glad we are all passionate enough about the breed to have strong opinions. However, lets use that passion to advantage and not turn on ourselves, we are the industry and we are the only ones who can change things if we dont like them. Just remember, there are different opinions and we cant always have our way.

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