Congratulations Nita! No more long lazy sleep filled nites. Piddles on the floor, what IS that smell! Where are this pics!! Does the new babyhave name yet?
OK.....Jane is right on about this. As with horses now with are the alpha female. With 3 dogs you have a "pack" now. With 2 ladies you have potential for 2 things...trouble or paradise.
Lay a hand towel/washcloth in the baby crate (an extra one), same for the older lady, you can even include the fella. Names would be helpful here!
: As Each day dawns remove the hand towel from each crate (labeled is better). Rub baby with big girls, big girl with baby and the fella with baby and the baby with a bit of fella. Now you have totally messed up their nose thing BUT as they see you do this and get aquainted with the smells and fuss they will sigh and give in. The tissure with baby pee is a fabulous idea also. Yup very gross but does get the point across. Don't put pee on the towels or in each others bed space or you'll have a pee war.
The bitch (and I mean this nicely as she is a female
_is top dog and the babe needs to know this. Snarling and growling is normal. Biting and chewing new baby is not! YOU must let her know is NOT. If she covers this wee one in aggression chewing furiously this is your turn to do same. Bend down and growl at her. Big growl, be a mean bitch dog. Say a simple harsh NO. then back off.
I'll bet a couple days worth of just getting to know one another will fix it mostly. Be sure the babe has a separate food AND water dish for now. She is the interloper and the others will not tolerate sharing yet. Cockers are big thinkers. If all else fails have Bonnie chat with the big bitch and explain that Nita has boundless love. (something I know very well)
Now pics would be lovely and congratulations on the new baby. 3 is a chore! But you love a challenge eh
Oh yes, I know you do treats, be sure to give them in proper pecking order so the bitch also sees she is most important and first. Good Luck Nita!