Question about gelding surgery

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I have a little stallion that is getting gelded this morning, is it ok to feed him before the surgery ? I forgot to ask my vet !

I didn't ask my vet either before my horse's surgery a couple months ago. I went with a large evening before hay feed, a light morning of hay feed and no grain the morning of.

The reason people and other animals aren't supposed to have food for several hours before a surgery is so we don't puke after they administer anethesia, horses can't puke, so that part of it isn't an issue. But, you also don't want a big heavy meal sitting in their gut while they are under, as the anethesia also slows down digestion a little. Also, don't rush to let them eat after the surgery, make sure they are fully awake from the anethesia, so they don't choke on the feed. [And, if I'm wrong on this, I'm sure someone will let me know quickly.]
Thanks for the advice, my vet is coming in 3 hours. I will give my mini a small amount of hay.
Somewhat on topic, but not quite. When I had my dog spayed 3 years ago, I did the no food after midnight and then in the morning we headed to the vet clinic, 2 hour drive, dispite supposedly having an empty stomach she puked 3 times in the pick-up on the ride over (pretty much just "water", it was kind of slimy). The cat going in for neutering was just fine, he didn't car sick there or back (dog was fine for the trip home, and hasn't been car sick since).
I know some Vets that require no food for geldings, but I don't think it matters and I don't require it.

Dr Taylor
Thanks Dr. Taylor and Chanda

I appreciate your fast response. I just went out to feed and gave him just a small amount of hay.
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My vets have never told me not to feed them before I bring them in.
Our vet says no feeding in the a.m. before surgery (usually surgery is around 9-10). So we wait until they're recovered afterwards. They're on scrubby pasture before hand anyway, so can browse just not a full feeding.
Thanks everyone !

It's all over now, the gelding was a success
Glad to hear it went well.

I've never restricted food from a pre-gelding surgery. Horses cannot vomit.

I probably missed your timeline, but my vet always has me NOT feed the patient the morning of surgery.

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