I have to agree with Rabbit. It's not about any of the "stuff" they sell, and that goes for Clinton too even though I am a fan. The most important thing you can learn from watching his shows, DVDs, tours, etc., is understanding how a horse thinks and what they will and won't respond to. I can't tell you what a difference it made for me, and remember I was already an adult when I got into horses, to understand the concept of backwards, forwards, left and right. I learned to "read" my horses by watching CA DVDs. Others learned that naturally over time, but I learned it from Clinton. And it's a skill I use every single day!
I'm my opinion, the things I learned from CA are why Wiz is a safer horse today. He was wilder than a March hare when he arrived and now he is a happy, healthy horse that can safely be in my herd. Is he perfect? No. But I used what I learned to understand he's not mean, he just lacked direction. He doesn't want to hurt me or anyone else, he just didn't understand what the expected behavior was. And being able to "read" him has saved everyone around him a lot of time, heartache and possibly injury. And he's never had anything but a traditional nylon halter on!
All training techniques should be used along with common sense. And hopefully that common sense comes with a natural warning about anyone who needs to force an animal to do anything. That video of PP makes me want to puke!